How good are you at managing your stress? Questionnaire
How good are you at managing your stress?
Related Course
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If you are exposed to a limited amount of stress, then stress can be very beneficial, because it can trigger an adaptive response. (Strength can come through Struggle!)
But too much work, stress and struggle can be bad for you, because they can wear you down.
Whilst in stressful situations, it is important to be able to maintain your inner-strength and emotional balance.
With that in mind, try this interesting questionnaire and discover exactly how good you are at dealing with stress.
Answer the following 20-point questionnaire; submit your answers and we will immediately send you back your results and your score (out of 100).
Q1 - At work, do you ever have feelings of OVERWHELM: meaning; do you sometimes feel that that your problems are more powerful than your abilities to handle them?
Q2 - Do you have the horrible feeling that the future will be worse than the present?
Q3 - Do you sometimes feel over-tired and sluggish; do you often wake up feeling tired?
Q4 - Do you tend to overreact, emotionally to trivial upsets or disappointments?
Q5 - Have you had a recent breakdown of personal or professional relationships?
Q6 - Has there been a reduction in the efficiency and quality of your work, because you cannot maintain your mental focus and have become mentally disorganised?
Q7 - Have you had frequent bouts of illnesses of various types, indicating a general reduction in your immunity to disease bacteria and viruses?
Q8 - Have you had difficulty getting off to sleep at night?
Q9 - Do you have trouble staying asleep at night? Or do you often wake up and think about fears or past memories.
Q10 - Do you have peace of mind?
Q11 - Do you sometimes wish that you could MAKE THE WORLD GO AWAY?
Q12 - Do you have feelings of mild depression that last for more than five days at a time?
Q13 - Have you experienced a loss in your physical vitality, lately?
Q14 - Do you suffer with an inability to make decisions?
Q15 - Do you make decisions but then endlessly doubt yourself and fear that you may have made the wrong decision?
Q16 - Do you have a temptation to use any drugs to alleviate the pressures of life?
Q17 - Do you have a tendency to use food as a way of alleviating stress, either by eating too much or by not eating enough?
Q18 - Do you tend to evade difficult tasks by doing only the easy tasks?
Q19 - Are you UN-able to motivate yourself to do the things you know you really should do?
Q20 - Do you feel you are suffering from a general lack of energy?
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