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Training Needs Analysis Questionnaire

Training Needs Analysis Questionnaire

Trianing needs analysis

Would you please answer the following questions, simply by clicking on the 'Yes' or 'No' button.
At the end of the questionnaire, as a result of the answers you have given, you will receive your free personalised, training needs analysis.

The training analysis will reveal two things:

1. Your relative strengths and what you can do to profit from them.
2.Your relative weak points and what training you might need to improve them.

This questionnaire is free, it is informative and fun.

Q1 - Do you know the big picture vision of your organisation in terms of the goals for the next one, to three years?

Q2 - Have you a written set of professional standards that you hold yourself to every day, even on the days you do not feel like it?

Q3 - Are you a goal-focused individual?

Q4 - Do you know what SMART targets are?

Q5 - Are you able to listen attentively, without interruption to somebody with whom you disagree?

Q6 - Do you sometimes talk too much?

Q7 - Do you too frequently fail to speak up when you know you should say something?

Q8 - Do you sometimes say to yourself 'I know what I mean, but I can't explain it'?

Q9 - Do you take time to define the meaning of your most important words and phrases to ensure people understand exactly what you are saying?

Q10 - Do you spend more time talking about the causes of problems than how to solve them?

Q11 - Do you have many days when you are busy all day, but relatively non-productive?

Q12 - Are you able to name the differences between: a goal, a to-do list and an action plan?

Q13 - Do you start so many tasks at once that you are forced to spread yourself too thinly and therefore make only minimal progress on them?

Q14 - Do you operate according to a written plan?

Q15 - Do you put things off that you know you should do, because you are 'not in the mood'?

Q16 - Are you easily distracted?

Q17 - Do you plan ahead more than one month?

Q18 - Do you know how to use decision matrix to organise priorities and make decisions?

Q19 - Do you have the correct balance between work and rest?

Q20 - When in a conflict situation, do you act calmly and carefully?

Q21 - When in a conflict situation, do you try and avoid saying anything for too long in the hope it will sort itself out?

Q22 - Do you use highly charged language in an attempt to let the person know how you 'honestly feel'?

Q23 - Can you, right now, name the difference between a reason and an excuse for not doing something?

Q24 - Do you know what self-concept is?

Q25 - Do you know the difference between objective and subjective language?

Q26 - Do you know the importance of letting the other person save face?

Q27 - Do you know exactly how your mental attitude directly affects your material results?

Q28 - Do you know how to control your mind so you can retain a positive mental attitude during difficult times?

Q29 - Is your mood dependent on how the day unfolds?

Q30 - Are there people or specific business situations that you find particularly unnerving?

Q31 - Do you feel you would benefit if you could develop more self-confidence?

Q32 - Do your current dietary, exercise and drinking habits build outstanding levels of vitality and good health?

Q33 - Do you have methods that allow you to shield yourself from negative influences?

Q34 - Are you able to use your communication skills to consciously raise the spirits of others who are flagging?

Q35 - When people are facing a problem situation, do you focus first on finding out who is responsible?

Q36 - Are you able to criticise others in a way which makes them feel like they are learning, rather than being told off?

Your Details

Your name and email address will be used once to email you your report. If you haven't already chosen, you will be given the option on the next page regarding what other emails (if any) you would like to receive.

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