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Do you have the winner's edge? Questionnaire

Do you have the winner's edge? Questionnaire

Do you have the winner's edge?

Psychologically, there are different types of personality:
There are people who are: winners and there are non-winners.

Winners tend to achieve the goals they set for themselves and they do well in life. NON winners try hard but don't get as far as they would like. Losers don't even try to achieve any goals; they just hope that their luck will change on its own.

Each type has a specific personality profile.

The winners have a certain set of characteristics that give them the winning edge. The non-winner lacks those characteristics and the losers have the opposite set of characteristics.

Your personality is not a fixed asset.

It is a variable asset; meaning your brain capable of new thinking; and thus generating new habits; and thus capable of changing the quality of the results that you experience.

This means that you can switch from being a winner - to a non-winner - to a loser (example Gaza and Michael Barrymore). And you can go from being a non-winner to a winner. (Andrew Murray).

Whether you win or you lose, in the short term, is dependent on many factors; some of which are out of your control. But whether you win or lose, over the long term, is more dependent on your personality traits, which you can optimise by a conscious act of will.

Take this questionnaire to discover to what degree you have the winner’s edge.

Simply answer the questions honestly and we will immediately send your Winners Edge Score (out of 100) together with an action plan that will enable you to improve your score and thus be more likely to win more often.

This questionnaire is free, it is informative and fun.

Q1 - In your mind, do you have a constant and clear vision of a high level, valuable goal that you want to achieve within the next 1- 6 years?

Q2 - When you think of your future do feel more excited and happy or are you more worried and anxious about your future?

Q3 - Do you build plans in writing detailing how you could begin to move towards your goal, or are you more likely to let today pass without doing anything specific to achieve your goal?

Q4 - Do you continually read and study in order to improve your chances of winning?

Q5 - When you suffer a defeat, does that hit you hard, emotionally?

Q6 - If you have an important event coming up, do you practice and prepare methodically or do you struggle to get yourself to do your preparation exercises?

Q7 - How would you rate your self-discipline?

Q8 - What do you think when you see other people winning the top prizes?

Q9 - In order to win more, would you be willing to change your daily habits and modify your personality?

Q10 - How do you take criticism of your performance?

Q11 - Are you able to hold your mental focus onto a single task, uninterrupted, for at least one hour?

Q12 - Please select the phrase that best ends this sentence: Winners are those people who...

Q13 - What does winning mean? In your opinion winning may be best defined as:

Your Details

Your name and email address will be used once to email you your report. If you haven't already chosen, you will be given the option on the next page regarding what other emails (if any) you would like to receive.

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