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What is the hidden cost of your meeting?

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The hidden cost of meetings

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Improving Your Communication Skills Articles From Our Blog

  • Finding a Common Frame of ReferenceThumbnail

    Finding a Common Frame of Reference

    30 April 2024
    Instead of categorising people based on differences like gender, race, age, and personality traits. Finding a common frame of reference suggests focusing on similarities, rather than differences, to foster understanding and connection among people.
    Finding a Common Frame of Reference We need to find a "Common Frame of Reference" which unites people. Categorising People We are taught to categorise people into different "types". Then we spend time trying to recognise and deal with each type. But rather than splitting people into different types: Man-woman; Black-white; Young-old; Introvert-extrovert; Visual-auditory-kinaesthetic; bosses-workers; etc.; why not instead focus o...
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  • Investigative vs Ordinary ConversationsThumbnail

    Investigative Vs Ordinary Conversations

    23 April 2024
    Conducting investigations entails the skill of adeptly gathering and analysing information to unearth facts, resolve issues, and arrive at informed decisions. It's imperative for professionals to master the art of framing conversations accurately.
    What are the Differences between Investigative vs Ordinary Conversations? The key to successful investigations is knowing the differences between ordinary and investigative conversations. Here are three: 1. Goal focused vs Drifter conversations Investigative conversations don't drift, they are goal focused. Ordinary conversations drift, touching on a mix of topics casually. This relaxed style is great for a general e...
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  • How to be an Effective CommunicatorThumbnail

    How to be an Effective Communicator

    2 January 2024
    Effective communication ensures clear understanding. Misunderstandings, confusion, and errors arise when we fail to convey our message accurately. We look at the ways to make ourselves more clearly understood.
    How to be an Effective Communicator The primary purpose of communication is to make ourselves always clearly understood. If we cannot make ourselves understood, then our communications will be fraught with misunderstandings, confusions and errors. Here are six ways to make ourselves more clearly understood: 1. Speak in Affirmative Language Divide language into two parts: affirmative and negative...
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Customer Reviews

Here are a selection of reviews for our training courses.

  • Course content was good. There are several elements I will take away and add to my personal action plan. I particularly like the idea of the task matrix to prioritise on a 'look ahead' weekly basis. The trainer was very professional and helpful and able to engage all attendees who come from varying backgrounds.

  • I thought the course content was interesting and I am looking forward to applying the skills and techniques offered throughout. Having managed a team for five years without this information, it will be interesting to see the changes after practising these skills. The trainer kept me engaged throughout and interested in what was being presented. I can often be quite easily distracted but I found the course content and delivery interesting.

  • The course content was great, so helpful, giving me new skills and how to plan to succeed. The trainer explained very well, clear and concise with good advice and training I won't forget. Thank you.

  • Very good, targeted at right level. Interesting and applicable to working here. Well-structured through both days. Good blend of humour, interaction and review. Material good quality and useful for reference. Chris was very professional, knew the subject matter and made the course very enjoyable. Thanks.

  • The course content was very informative and relevant to my first steps into a management level role. Lots of tools and information to take away to help me in the job. The trainer's presentation was very good, I felt quite inspired on completion of the course, thank you!

  • This course was great. The live online presentation was like a face to face class session. Interactive notes were easy to follow and complete. The diagrams were very useful and enhanced the presentation. The trainer's examples were helpful and he was very clear in the content. He performed well to get participants to interact.