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Writing a Good Job Description

How Do I Write a Good Job Description?

Writing an amazing job description Questions

The first thing to do is to define the nature of the role and write a job description.

You need a job description in order to communicate to the recruitment agency all the information they need to select suitable candidates for your selection process.

In relation to writing a good job description, the questions you need to ask and answer include the following:

Job Description Questions

1. What is the exact name of the post?
What is the role called? A brief summary.

2. What is the purpose of the role?
What does the role achieve for your organisation? The role is there to achieve what specific goals for your organisation, and its customers and suppliers?

3. What experience and qualifications are needed by any person who will successfully fulfil this role?

4. What are the desired character traits for a successful candidate?
Think about their: Skills/ Abilities; Knowledge; Personal Attributes. (Well organised, patient, persistent)

5. How would you describe the job role, numerically?
What are the numbers associated with the role? eg The number of hours per day; Start times, finish times; Pay per hour; Holidays per year. etc).

6. Describe the contract of the role
Is the role permanent or temporary, full time or part time?

7. When is the closing date for applications?

8. How should candidates apply for this role?


Now you've finished the steps, you can either print this page or email it to yourself and/or a delegate:

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