Making Yes or No Decisions
Making Good Decisions - Yes or No? (Should I - Should I Not?)
To make a correct decision, follow these simple steps:
First rule. Make the decision!
Don't procrastinate unnecessarily.
Write out the decision you need to make in the form of a Yes/No question.
For example:
Should I buy a dog? Yes or No?
Should I move to Australia? Yes or No?
Should I employ a new receptionist? Yes or No?
What are you making a decision about?
Enter all the reasons in favour of your decision - a yes vote.
Think about all the reasonable arguments that are in favour of a YES vote.
Now, take the opposite view and list all the reasons for voting against the decision - all the reasons for voting no.
Be methodical and put your mind totally on the task of finding all the reasons for voting no.
When you have finished, have a short mental break.
Your question: Should I do [X]?
Enter a positive reason:
Enter a negative reason:
Positive Reasons:
Negative Reasons:
- Nothing yet!
When you've thought of all the reasons, press:
You now need to rank (or weight) each reason in turn out of 100, according to how important you believe each reason to be.
In this case, 100 means very important, 0 is hardly worth mentioning.
The point is to give each reason a numerical score, out of 100.
Now repeat the process for all the reasons against.
Score each reason to give it a level of importance: 100 is maximum, 0 is minimum.
Your task is to quantify the reasons and attach a numerical value to each reason, one at a time.
Your question: Should I do [X]?
Rank the following reason out of 100:
Reason Name
Drag the slider to the correct value (or tap on a mobile device).
Based on the evidence given, the answer to your question:
I should do [X]?
Has been calculated (by your weightings) as ???.
Here's how it's worked out:
You may benefit from attending our time management course.
Are you making a different type of decision? We have other decision making apps available for you to use - find out more here.