Business Writing Skills: How to Convince People
Business Writing Skills: How to Convince People
Think of language as being split into two major types:
- The language of logic.
- The language of rhetoric.
These two language types are opposite and complementary forms. They are like a pair of gloves, which are opposite forms that work together to complete the tasks at hand.
The use of logical language.
In order to get the best results with your readers, treat their intellect with respect.
Assume that your readers are intelligent and will respond positively only if they can see good reason to.
If you want your writing to be taken seriously, show your readers evidence of some good reasoning.
Logic is the method of reason.
In order to appeal to the intellect of the reader, it is essential to incorporate some logic to your message. Logical writing has the following characteristics:
- Logical writing is Scientific.
- Logical writing uses verifiable facts and figures.
- Logical writing uses specific examples.
Logical writing is scientific.
Since the Renaissance, which began in the 1550s, "science" and her close friend, "technology" has transformed our world.
Science and technology have changed every aspect of human life; they allow us to enjoy a much higher standard of living, with each of us having access to safe housing, electricity, gas, sanitation, lighting, clothing, motorised transport, hot water, abundant food, medicine, air travel, train travel, unlimited music, entertainment, education, social media, hand held computers and telephones, foreign holidays and much more.
These immense benefits have engendered Science with great deal of gravitas and kudos, in the minds of your readers.
Therefore, whenever you appeal to the science that underpins your message, then you tap into the gravitas and kudos that science has, and you imbue your message with some of its power. Consequently, your message will be more impressive to the intellect.
Whatever the content of your message, ask yourself, what is the science behind it, what are the scientific principles that underpin your message?
Learn the science behind your message and use it to your advantage in your writing.
Logical writing uses verifiable facts and figures.
Science itself relies on something more fundamental: the measurement of facts.
It is difficult to do science without being able to measure things and time.
Facts and figures are the starting point of all scientific investigations. Facts and figures underpin science and therefore in a similar way, facts and figures can be a powerful ally in your business writing.
Statistical facts and figures, survey results, logical analysis of tests, comparative studies between rival products, are all ways in which you can add credence to your business message.
Always use the power of statistical facts and figures in your writing, to strengthen the impact of your business message.
Logical writing uses specific examples.
The fundamental number is One. The single instance.
Therefore, quoting individual examples, or giving individual reviews or case studies, is a powerful way you can use logic to support your message.
Illustrating your message with a specific example is often a very convincing way to appeal to your reader, because it proves your assertions are not empty claims or arbitrary assertions.
When you show an individual case study, it implies, "if it worked for him-her it will work for you too".
Therefore, learn how you can incorporate specific examples, individual case studies, or testimonials from named individuals to strengthen your business message.
Business Writing Training
If you are interested in learning more about writing for business, please take a look at our in-house one-day Business Writing Course.
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