What is 'Quiet Quitting'?
What is 'Quiet Quitting'?
Definition: "Quiet Quitting" is when people give their job only the bare minimum of effort necessary to avoid being sacked.
It is a big problem. But what causes it and what can be done about it?
What causes Quiet Quitting?
Quiet Quitting has many causes, some originating in the minds of individual workers; some originating in the minds of managers; and some in the company culture and conditions.
Consequently, the solutions to Quiet Quitting are in three places, individual workers, managers, and organisational cultures.
1. Quiet Quitting caused by the company culture.
Some company cultures are bad; their processes and conditions make life difficult or unpleasant for workers.
When workers join the company, they are usually happy to be there and motivated to give it "their best".
But within a few weeks, they begin to realise that the company culture is unreasonable (in terms of the volume and intensity of work demands), or emotionally destructive, (in terms of the way they are spoken to and treated by senior members of the organisation).
These unreasonable and destructive forces rapidly eat-away at the motivation and commitment of workers. Consequently the workers start withdrawing their support for the company and its objectives, doing only the bare minimum work, effectively they 'Quietly Quit'.
The solution to the problem is to fix the company culture which makes life unpleasant for workers.
This is best done by proper Leadership Training, which should be given to the senior management team, so that they can learn what needs to change, and cascade the changes down the hierarchy so that the benefits are felt by every member of the group.
2. Quiet Quitting caused by bad supervisory managers.
Most company cultures are good, but they contain small pockets of bad practice, which is caused by the actions of one or two bad supervisory managers.
Bad behaviour by a small number of supervisory managers may include, bullying, sarcastic humour, overworking, laziness, incompetence, inconsistent application of standards, sexual harassment, racism, or any one of other forms of irrationality.
The bad behaviour of individual supervisors causes the same reduction of motivation and commitment in the workers. They withdraw their emotional support for the business, and they Quietly Quit.
Again, the solution is training. We need to train the individual supervisors, who need to learn better techniques of managing people. Information on such Supervisory Training can be found here.
3. Quiet Quitting caused by the individual employee.
Some organisations have terrific cultures and great supervisors, and some people still quit!
They quit either for honest, or dishonest personal reasons.
Honest personal reasons for Quiet Quitting
Honest personal reasons for quiet quitting include health issues, family issues and relationships issues. All of which occupy the person's mind to such a degree that they have no more energy to invest in giving their best to their work.
The solution to this is not easy to find, since it is buried in the personal life of individuals.
But the organisation should attempt to do whatever they can to understand and support their employee through these temporary difficulties.
Dishonest Quiet Quitting by employees.
This is simple laziness, which is the result of an arbitrary decision by individuals.
Every moment, we each decide how much energy to invest into our work. Most people are honest and exert their best efforts. But some people are dishonest and lazy.
And it is nobody else's fault.
The solution to this problem may be found in training, because many people can be motivated by the right Personal Development Training,
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Further Reading in Motivation
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