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Feed your Brain the Right Thoughts

Feed Your Brain the Right Thoughts

Feed Your Brain the Right Thoughts

Your brain controls everything you do, and everything you say. And what you do and say, drives your results.

Your brain is guided by its thoughts.

Question: Who decides what thoughts occupy your mind?

Answer: You do.

If you want to achieve better results, then take control of the thoughts that occupy your mind.

For example, every weekend I lift weights in my garage. Last Saturday, I did heavy barbell squats.

The barbell squat is inherently risky, since it involves having a heavy weight on your back; which is dangerous.

The squat is also extremely intense and psychologically imposing. Consequently, in order to get out of doing squats, the mind will often play tricks on the lifter.

There are parts of the mind that verbalises the following thoughts:

  • Why bother to lift heavy today?
  • You might hurt yourself.
  • It's not worth it.
  • If you don't train today nobody will know.

Pitted against the lazy and timid parts of the mind, are other parts that are more determined and courageous.

These parts say:

  • I want to lift heavy today.
  • I'm ready.
  • I'm willing.
  • I'm able.

So, in the mind of the lifter, an internal battle rages with some parts trying to hold back their performance, and the other parts urging them on.

Under these conditions, it is vital that the lifter silences the voice of the timid parts of the mind and accentuates the voice of the more goal-oriented and courageous parts.

This is done by the WILL.

The lifter must use his /her WILL POWER to overcome the self-doubts and fears associated with attempting a difficult challenge that involves risk and effort.

You must consciously put out of mind that little voice that says; "What if you hurt yourself. It's not worth it. Why bother? Instead of training hard, ease off and have a cup of tea".

Accentuate the positive.

It is important to monitor the voices. Take note of the conversations you have in your own head.

  • Inhibit those parts of your mind that voice negative thoughts.
  • Accentuate those parts of your mind that voice positive thoughts.

About the Author: Chris Farmer


Chris Farmer is the founder of the Corporate Coach Group and has many years’ experience in training leaders and managers, in both the public and private sectors, to achieve their organisational goals, especially during tough economic times. He is also well aware of the disciplines and problems associated with running a business.

Over the years, Chris has designed and delivered thousands of training programmes and has coached and motivated many management teams, groups and individuals. His training programmes are both structured and clear, designed to help delegates organise their thinking and, wherever necessary, to improve their techniques and skills.

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Further Reading in Motivation

  • How to Motivate Myself and Others
    All leaders need to develop the skill of motivation. Motivation is a specific emotion. All emotions are a product of thought, because whatever you think about causes an emotion. To be positive you need to think positively.
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  • How to make 2019 Your most successful year
    Are you ready to make 2019 your best year ever? We have put together eight fantastic tips to help you achieve this goal.
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  • How to Stay Motivated During Lockdown
    Fed-up being on lockdown? It won't last forever, but in the meantime, here are some ways to stay motivated and make the most of this unique situation.
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  • How to Deal With a Manager Who Loves Pointing Out Your Mistakes
    It is a fact that nobody likes to be criticised. But some managers seem to criticise the small percentage of errors people make, without recognising that the majority of work is done well. This leads to employee demotivation.
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  • How to Change People's Bad Attitudes at Work
    Attitudes affect results because attitudes affect behaviour. People with positive attitudes will always get better results than those with negative attitudes. Learn how you can change people's bad attitudes.
    Read Article >

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