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Motivation by Affirmation

Motivation by Affirmation

Motivation by Affirmation

Motivation is a positive emotion that is created by holding positive thoughts in the mind.

All emotions are the products of thought.

  • Positive emotions are created by positive thoughts.
  • Negative emotions are created by negative thoughts.

Different types of thinking will generate their corresponding emotions.

If you want to feel positive emotions, then you need to create them by holding positive thoughts in your mind, on a consistent basis.

So, the question we need to answer is this:

How can you make your brain hold positive thoughts in mind, on a consistent basis?

Answer: You can cause your brain to hold positive thoughts by systematically and consciously selecting a series of one-line positive affirmations, and then exposing your brain to these affirmations, in a systematic and regular way.

A positive affirmation is a one-line statement that holds a single, simple concept or command, which will act as a self-instruction.

Positive affirmations are intended to induce your mind to take on a specific, positive thought, by means of simple repetition of the same statement, over and over and over again.

The mind tends to accept what it repeatedly hears.

When the idea or thought process takes root in the mind, it begins to grow and have an effect on the emotions.

The effects on the emotions do not happen suddenly; they take time to kick-in and they are subtle. They are also very powerful.

Politicians use affirmations all the time, to affect the mood of the public.

One-line affirmations are very powerful.

Do you remember the phrase, "Take back control"?

Have you noticed Donald Trump kept using the phrase, "Crooked Hillary Clinton"?

Simple repetition of a single message is a very powerful weapon that can work for you or against you.

So you may as well use affirmations for you.

How to use affirmations to help you create more motivation, optimism, strength and courage.

Write out on a card, the thought or affirmation that you WANT to feel. It does not have to feel true.

If you already had the thought in mind, then you would not need to implant it in your subconscious.

The affirmation should be positive, not 'true'.

Examples of positive affirmations.

  • I am a good-looking dude.
  • I can do whatever I set my mind to.
  • I can control my eating.
  • I have great sense of humour.
  • I am resilient and strong.
  • I am in charge of me.
  • I can walk into a room and sparkle.

A few notes on the process.

1. All affirmations must be positive. There should be no negative commands.

For example, you would not write "I don't feel nervous when I meet people". If you wrote that you would be repeating over and over the image of nervousness when meeting people.

Instead of a negative suggestion, you write its opposite positive. So in this case you would write, "Whenever I meet new people, I am always relaxed and confident".

2. Affirmations are about what you want to become, rather than what you are now.

3. If there are particular contexts that cause problems, then write the context into the beginning of the affirmation. "Whenever I meet new people, I am always relaxed and confident".

"In the evenings, after my evening meal, I snack only on fruit".

4. Affirmations should be written down and repeated at least four times per day.

  1. In the morning at the start of the day.
  2. In the lunch break.
  3. At any time you feel strong negative emotions. (As an antidote to the negative state.)
  4. And especially at bedtime before you go to sleep.

5. They need to be repeated not just for a few days, but for weeks and months, so that they can take root in the mind and work their magic.

Try it and you'll see for yourself.

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Personal Development Training

In order to improve your performance, you may need to develop your personal and professional skills: meaning: skills of communication, planning, prioritisation, motivation and personal confidence. If you want to learn more, then click here for personal development training.

About the Author: Chris Farmer


Chris Farmer is the founder of the Corporate Coach Group and has many years’ experience in training leaders and managers, in both the public and private sectors, to achieve their organisational goals, especially during tough economic times. He is also well aware of the disciplines and problems associated with running a business.

Over the years, Chris has designed and delivered thousands of training programmes and has coached and motivated many management teams, groups and individuals. His training programmes are both structured and clear, designed to help delegates organise their thinking and, wherever necessary, to improve their techniques and skills.

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Further Reading in Motivation

  • Three Ways to Motivate Others
    How to motivate others is an important leadership skill. The right motivation will bring about cooperative relationships in the workplace.
    Read Article >
  • How to Stay Motivated During Lockdown
    Fed-up being on lockdown? It won't last forever, but in the meantime, here are some ways to stay motivated and make the most of this unique situation.
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  • How to Motivate Yourself and Others
    To be happy, everyone needs to have a goal. If you have a goal, then you have something to aim for. Goals give you a mental image of a better future. With a goal, you have hope, desire, ambition, motivation and enthusiasm.
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  • How to Gain Respect
    Respect cannot be demanded, it must be earned. Which of these character traits could you improve upon, in order to gain more respect?
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  • Understanding Human Motivation: Fear of Rejection
    The fear of rejection can stop people from applying for their dream job, simply because of the fear of failure. Learn how to overcome this irrational fear and live life on your terms.
    Read Article >

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