How to Succeed and How Not to Fail
How to Succeed and How Not to Fail
You've heard it said that "Everything happens for a reason"? That is true. There is a reason for everything, including success and failure.
Why People Fail
Reasons for failure include:
1. Making half-hearted attempts.
Many people don't really expect to succeed, so will only make a half-hearted attempt to succeed in the first place. They don't expect to succeed because in the past they have not succeeded, and they use this to justify their belief to not try too hard. By not giving 100% effort, they are less likely to succeed again. And so, the self-fulfilling cycle continues.
2. Using the wrong method.
Not every idea is a good idea. Not all methods are viable. Not everything is true. If you pick up a wrong-headed idea and use it as your guide to action, then you will inevitably fail.
3. Lack of proper preparation.
Many people don't prepare themselves properly. Lack of preparation is more likely to lead to failure. Proper preparation is vital for success.
4. Lack of support from the people around you.
We are affected by the people around us. There are those who encourage and help you, those who don't encourage, and those who discourage and hinder you. If you keep the company of people who discourage you, you will be more likely to fail.
The Secrets of Successful People
In order to be successful, you need to:
1. Give it your best effort.
Believe that success is possible for you, too. Many people put in half-hearted attempts and then, wonder why they never win. The solution to apply 100% effort to everything you do.
2. Think logically.
Base your actions on a rational evaluation of all the available evidence. Therefore, it is vital that you develop your critical thinking skills. Learn the laws of logic and apply them to every issue. Develop your powers of reasoning.
3. Prepare, prepare and prepare again.
From travelling to a holiday destination, to attending a job interview, you will do it better if you are well prepared. Prepare, organise, pre-empt problems and practice. People who succeed are those who engage in a process of superior preparation.
4. Keep the company of positive people.
Remember that your mind is influenced by other people. So be picky about the people with whom you spend your time. Stay away from those people who you find discouraging. Surround yourself with positive people. Keep the company of people who will help you to achieve worthwhile goals.
The Success Formula
All successful action can be described by a simple five-part success formula:
- Decide on a definite purpose.
- Formulate your best plan.
- Take decisive action.
- Gather and evaluate feedback. Both positive and negative.
- Make progress by continually changing and evolving.
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Further Reading in Motivation
How to Motivate Myself and Others
All leaders need to develop the skill of motivation. Motivation is a specific emotion. All emotions are a product of thought, because whatever you think about causes an emotion. To be positive you need to think positively.
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Motivational Management: Positive Mental Attitude
Nothing succeeds like success! Here is a powerful eight point plan for developing a Positive Mental Attitude. If you apply these points, you will rapidly achieve excellent results.
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How to Stay Motivated When Self-isolating
During the Coronavirus crisis, many people are self-isolating or working from home. It can be difficult to stay focussed outside of your normal working environment. So, here are some great tips on staying motivated during these unprecedented times.
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The Difference Between a Wish and a Goal
Goals give you hope for the future, something to aim for. Wishes are not goals, they are fantasies, detached from reality. Do you know the difference?
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How to Motivate People at Work
Motivate people at work by recognising their achievements, providing opportunities for growth and development, and offering meaningful rewards. Foster a positive work environment with clear goals, supportive leadership.
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