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Tips to Improve your Communication Technique

Tips to Improve Your Communication Technique

Communication training.

Communication skills training is important, because in order to achieve your goals, you need to gain the willing cooperation of other people. And the only way you can do that is to communicate your message.

Communication has six major channels:

  1. Words: language.
  2. Voice tone.
  3. Body language.
  4. Written word.
  5. Listening.
  6. Reading.

Here is one excellent piece of advice for each set.

1. Words: Language.

Always strive for verbal clarity.

Avoid using open ended words and phrases which have multiple meanings. For example; the phrase, "As soon as possible", denotes multiple possible meanings and is therefore a poor choice of expression.

Your first duty is to be understood. And to be understood you need to use clear and specific language. Not unclear and ambiguous language.

2. Voice tone.

Voice tone concerns the musical element of your voice.

People judge your emotional balance largely on the tone of your voice. Good voice tones are generally slower, louder, deeper, and more variable.

Bad voice tones are the opposite: faster or quieter, shriller, or monotone.

Therefore speak with a voice tone that is generally slower, louder, deeper, and more variable.

3. Body language.

Body language is a huge topic and pertains to how you appear to your listeners. Body language is about your dress code, your facial expression, your eye contact, your posture, gestures, proximity, scent and orientation.

A good piece of advice I can give you is this:

Give good eye contact and try to maintain a relaxed and friendly facial expression.

4. The written word.

A vast amount of communication that occurs in business world is in the form of the written word. Therefore, it is important to get your writing up to standard.

The best one-line piece of advice I can offer you is:

Never send unstructured, rambling messages; instead always structure your message.

5. Listening.

Listening is the art of paying attention to the other person, understanding, judging and remembering what you heard.

The best piece of advice I can give you is this:

When listening, give the other person 100% of your attention.

  • Don't split your focus or doze off.
  • Listen with intent to understand, not with intent to disprove.

6. Reading.

Reading is a uniquely human activity. No other animal in the universe reads. Many people are not good readers. They read, but they don't absorb what they read. So, read slowly and with a pencil in hand. Try to reduce what you are reading into simple summaries. Then review your summary notes and memorise them.

For example: Here are the summary notes for this blog.

Six pieces of advice to improve your communication skills.

1. Always strive for verbal clarity.

2. Speak with a voice tone that is generally, slower, louder, deeper, and more variable.

3. Never send unstructured, rambling messages; instead always structure your message:

4. When listening, give the other person 100% of your attention.

5. Listen with intent to understand, not with intent to disprove.

6. Read with a pencil in hand; and memorise the key sentences.

About the Author: Chris Farmer


Chris Farmer is the founder of the Corporate Coach Group and has many years’ experience in training leaders and managers, in both the public and private sectors, to achieve their organisational goals, especially during tough economic times. He is also well aware of the disciplines and problems associated with running a business.

Over the years, Chris has designed and delivered thousands of training programmes and has coached and motivated many management teams, groups and individuals. His training programmes are both structured and clear, designed to help delegates organise their thinking and, wherever necessary, to improve their techniques and skills.

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Further Reading in Communication - Clear Communication

  • How to be a good conversationalist
    Conversational skills are essential both in business and socially, so here are some top tips to becoming a good conversationalist.
    Read Article >
  • Why is Communication Skills Training Important?
    Good communication is a key skill needed by people in every organisation to build good staff rapport and avoid misunderstandings. By attending communication skills training you become aware of what areas you could develop.
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  • Top Tips to Effective Communication
    You would benefit if you improved your ability to communicate more effectively. See our top tips to improve your words, voice tone and body language. Improve your communication and improve your confidence.
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  • The Secrets of Effective Communication
    Words have great power. They can conjure up images in the minds of your listener. Think about the language you use in order to avoid any misunderstanding. In business, using the correct words can make or break a sale.
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  • Communication Skills Training (Advanced)
    Recognising arbitrary statements Communication is a vital skill to master. You can define the term "Communication" as: "the transfer of information, from one mind to another." And you could define "excellent communication" as: The accurate transfer of information, from one mind to another, without error, omission, distortion". Excellent communication is no...
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Looking for Communication Skills Training?

If you're looking to develop your Clear Communication Skills, you may find this Communication Skills Training Course beneficial:

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