Problem Solving Skills
Problem Solving Skills
Problem solving is the ultimate skill, because the prosperity of any organisation depends on the ability to solve, and profit from, their problems.
Problem solving can sometimes be a function of an individual mind working alone, or multiple minds working in collaboration.
Problem solving can occur in a momentary flash of inspiration, or it may be an evolution of ideas, made over many years of effort.
Problem solving may be a step by step, structured logical process, or it may be as a free association of creative minds.
Develop problem solving skills.
Whenever you are facing a problem or lack of progress, your ability to analyse the situation, discover its causes and come up with a suitable solution, are vital to your success.
1. Define the Problem
The problem is the gap that exists between "the current situation", and "the desired situation". Your definition should include a full description of both.
The solution to the problem is finding how to bridge the gap.
2. Gather the Facts
The facts are irrespective of what you want, like, dislike or know about. Facts are facts. Many problems that people talk about, are imaginary. It is important not to waste time on imaginary problems.
3. Identification
Everything has origins. If we want to understand a problem, we must investigate its origins. Where, when and how did this problem start? Who did what and why?
It is important to understand the chronological sequence of events. Effects never precede causes. We need to uncover the sequence of causes and effects.
If we know the problem's origins, we may gather some valuable information on how best to tackle it.
4. Evaluation
Now you have correctly identified the facts, you must now evaluate the facts. You can evaluate facts according to two basic alternatives: logical evaluation, or illogical.
Logical evaluations may be of three types: analytic, synthetic or creative.
It is recommended that you strive to make a logical evaluation of all the available facts.
5. Response and Implementation
As a result of your logical evaluation of the facts, you will make a response. Your response may be of two types.
- Adaptive: where the response is appropriate and progressive.
- Mal-adaptive: where the response is inappropriate and regressive.
Every action requires resources. Therefore, your action plan will require you assemble physical, financial, technological and human resources.
The corrective plan must be put in writing and quickly communicated to all those who need to know.
6. Monitor the Feedback Results
Once you have put your corrective plan into action, the results must be monitored. The problem will be reduced, but may not be eliminated, in which case you must return to step one.
Problem Solving Questions
1. What are the facts of the case?
2. How do we know? What is our evidence?
3. What is the nature of the thing we are dealing with?
4. What do these facts mean to us?
5. What should be our adaptive response?
Problem Solving Training
Our in-house Problem Solving training course will give your staff the knowledge and confidence to handle problems successfully.
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Further Reading in Personal Effectiveness
The Art of Clear Thinking
Being able to think clearly is a useful skill. Learn how to distinguish the difference between arbitrary and possible statements. Seek evidence to support claims that others make, and back up your own points with facts.
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Self-Discipline: Mind Over Mood
Self discipline makes a big difference to your success. Self discipline is the act of placing the power of your mind OVER your mood.
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How Can I Improve My Performance at Work?
If you want your career to progress, you need to improve your performance at work. Find ways to add more value to more people, and you will succeed.
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Personal effectiveness - Emotional intelligence training
Emotional intelligence has two major components. The first element of emotional intelligence training is developing the art of being able to manage your own emotions, so that you are able to achieve the optimum emotional response that is appropriate to the circumstances that face you. The second element of emotional intelligence...
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How to be Successful in Six Hours
Success is not an event, it is a process. By breaking your goals down into smaller steps, you will find that you achieve greater success in the long term. Try the six-hour method of breaking down your day into manageable, achievable sections.
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Looking for Personal Development Training?
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