Management Skills: Continuous Improvement
Management Skills: Continuous Improvement
Continuous improvement is about striving always to make things better.
Every day, strive to make things just a little better, than they currently are.
Continuous improvement is the idea that giant improvements are the sum of many small improvements.
Making giant improvements in anything is difficult. So instead, we try to make small improvements, but we make a lot of them. We try to make small improvements all the time.
You can look at it this way, when you enter a room or situation, what you do in that situation might either:
- Improve the situation,
- Not improve the situation,
- Make the situation worse.
Your aim is always to try to make any situation marginally better.
Every time you go to a meeting, try to ensure that your contribution makes the meeting better. Make sure that your presence is not neutral in its effects, and especially, make sure that your presence is not a negative factor in the meeting.
Every time you go into a kitchen, try to make sure that when you leave it, then leave it in a better state than when you found it.
Don't leave it the same. And don't leave it in a worse condition.
Every time you talk to a person, try to make sure that you when you leave the person, that person feels better for having spoken to you; try not to leave them unmoved, and certainly try NOT to leave them in a worse mood for having spoken to you.
In every situation, please strive to make it a bit better than when you found it.
Don't leave it the same. Don't make it any worse.
Can you imagine the reputation you would develop if, everywhere you went, things were better for your presence?
You would gain a reputation for being a good person to have around.
And can you imagine what would happen if you gained the reputation that it made no difference if you were there or not?
Or if you gained the reputation for leaving a trail of destruction, or a mess, or a bad feeling, wherever you went?
Commit yourself to continuous improvement.
Make every situation, every person, every meeting and every team, a little better, every time.
If you did that, a year from now, you could be doing well.
Strive to continually improve everything and everybody.
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Further Reading in Leadership and Management
Solutions to Common Management Issues
Experienced management trainer Chris Farmer discusses solutions to common management issues in this short article. Read on for his insights.
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All organisations need good leaders. To be a good leader you need to develop the seven key qualities of good leadership.
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What is the Difference Between Leadership and Management?
Good managers aren't necessarily good leaders. Leaders need to have a clear vision, they need to be able to set the necessary goals to achieve that vision, and to inspire others. Managers must be able to organise their teams to fulfil that vision.
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Training for New Managers
To be a great leader and manager you need a definite set of skills, knowledge and ability. New managers often lack these skills, but the good news is that they can be taught.
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Management Skills: Continuous Improvement
Continuous improvement is about always striving to make things better. Every day, strive to make things just a little better than they are now. Small improvements will become significant in time.
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