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Creating More Motivation

Creating More Motivation

Creating More Motivation

Motivation is a resource.

Motivation is a LIMITED resource.

Motivation is a PRECIOUS, limited resource.

Each of us has only a certain amount of motivation. So knowing how to create more motivation, when you need it most, is important knowledge.

How can you create more motivation?

There are four parts to creating motivation.

  1. Clear goals.
  2. Compelling reasons.
  3. Positive attitude.
  4. High energy.

If you want to increase the motivation in yourself or others, then work to improve all four elements. Let us look at each one in turn.

Clear goals

Motivation comes from having a MOTIVE. A motive is simply another word for a GOAL.

On a football pitch, the players are motivated by the thought of the GOAL. If the goals were removed from the field of play, then the players would not be motivated to run around the pitch.

In a similar way, if they are to feel any motivation, then every person in the team needs to be able to see the goal, the thing at which to aim.

To motivate yourself or others, the first thing to do is to set a clear goal.

Compelling reasons

Having a goal is the first thing, having compelling reasons to achieve the goal is the second thing.

Good Reasons for the goal will provide additional motivation. The more reasons you have to achieve the goal; the more motivation you will feel. Reasons come in two basic forms:

Positive reasons and negative reasons.

Positive reasons mean all the benefits you will enjoy if you achieve the goal. The thought of these benefits will provide a positive motivation.

Negative reasons mean all the painful consequences you will suffer if you DON'T achieve the goal. The thought of these consequences will provide a negative motivation.

Some people respond more to negative motivations. and other people respond better to positive motivations. Or you could use both types; positive benefits and negative consequences combined!

The right combination of pleasure and pain will motivate almost anyone.

Positive attitude

If you have good goals and good reasons but you don't believe you can achieve your goal, then you won't feel motivated to act.

If you'd like to win but don't think you can, it's almost certain that you won't.

In order for you to feel motivated you must believe that you have the ability to win. You must practice thinking like a winner.

Winners win, partly because they think they will win.

You will win more, if you practice the art of thinking you will win more.

The act of choosing your thoughts to favour positive emotions is one of the most powerful things you can do for yourself and your family.

Think you are a winner, and you will win more often.

High energy

Energy is the last ingredient that goes to make motivation. Motivation is action and all action requires energy. In order to have energy you must do three things.

  • Eat enough good food.
  • Eat no bad food.
  • Sleep well and recuperate.

Energy is defined as the capacity to do work, and motivation is applied energy.

So if you lack motivation check your diet, and check your sleep habits.

Eat right and sleep right and you'll enjoy more motivation.


To get more motivation work diligently to improve four things.

The four parts to creating more motivation:

  1. Goals.
  2. Reasons.
  3. Attitude.
  4. Energy.

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About the Author: Chris Farmer


Chris Farmer is the founder of the Corporate Coach Group and has many years’ experience in training leaders and managers, in both the public and private sectors, to achieve their organisational goals, especially during tough economic times. He is also well aware of the disciplines and problems associated with running a business.

Over the years, Chris has designed and delivered thousands of training programmes and has coached and motivated many management teams, groups and individuals. His training programmes are both structured and clear, designed to help delegates organise their thinking and, wherever necessary, to improve their techniques and skills.

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Further Reading in Leadership and Management

  • What Skills do You Need to be a Great Leader
    What skills do you need to be a great leader? Take a look at these seven skills sets and see where you can improve and become a better leader.
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  • Practical Leadership Training
    Leadership ability is not a special quality given to a few people. It is possible to learn a set of identified leadership behaviours which, when practised correctly, will achieve the desired results. Have you got what it takes to be a leader?
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  • Effective Customer Service - The Fab Four
    Good customer service is vital if your organisation is to succeed. A business needs to ensure that staff receive training in the skills which will ensure that customers feel valued. Does your business provide these fab four customer service skills?
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  • What Does Leadership Mean to You?
    Leadership entails possessing skills like goal setting, effective communication, planning, conflict resolution, self-mastery, and inspiration to inspire others toward shared objectives.
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  • Three Major Keys to Leadership
    There are many skills a leader needs, but they can be grouped into three major sets. Take a look at these three major keys to good leadership and improve your successes.
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