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Make 2017 a Terrific Year for you and your Family

Make 2017 a Terrific Year for You and Your Family

How can you make this year your best year ever?

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There are five steps to making 2017 a terrific year.

Step one. Decide to!

Decide to make 2017 a terrific year for you and your family.

Every human action is preceded by a thought. Your actions flow from your thoughts, and your results flow from your actions, so it is very important that you think positively about your chances of success in the coming year.

There has been an abundance of negative thinking recently, in the main stream media, and that negativity has a bad effect on the mind.

We need to counter this onslaught of negativity: Negative thinking creates fearful emotions and fearful people rarely achieve their goals.

You need to counteract this process by replacing it with its positively charged alternative. You need to fill your mind with positive expectation of what you can achieve this year.

Simply, DECIDE to make 2017 your best year so far.

Then move to step two.

Step two. Set clear and specific goals.

Set specific goals. Success means "the achievement of a goal". You cannot achieve a goal you never set.

  • Set goals for your career.
  • Set goals for your hobby.
  • Set goals for your physical health.
  • Set some personal development goals; challenge yourself to learn a new skill.

This year will be your best year, to the degree you achieve your goals.

So, you need to set your 2017 goals today.

Then move to step three.

Step three. Write out your plans for the achievement of your goals.

In order to achieve your goals, you need to have a definite plan that is capable of moving you closer and closer to the goal.

Your plan does not have to be perfect, but it does have to be as good as you can make it.

Each and every day this year, you should write out your goals list, and then write the answer to this question:

To move closer to my goal, I need to do the following three things:

For each goal, you should always have an evolving list of three things that will take you closer to the goal.

  1. In relation to my career goal, I need to do the following three things.
  2. In relation to my hobby goal, I need to do the following three things.
  3. In relation to my health goal, I need to do the following ...
  4. In relation to my personal development goal, I need to ...

That list will give you a continuous track of twelve activities that will take you closer and closer to your goals.

The activities change over time, but their four end points remain the same.

By the end of the year you will have achieved the goals, or you will have made substantial progress towards them.

Remember that many people around you are NOT taking these simple steps.

  • They are NOT thinking positively, they are thinking negatively.
  • They are NOT setting goals, they are drifting.
  • They are NOT making detailed written plans, they are making it up as they go along.


There are five steps to making 2017 a terrific year.

  1. Decide to think positively about the future.
  2. Set clear specific goals in four areas of activity: Career; Hobbies; Health; Personal development.
  3. For each goal, write out the next three things you can do, that will take you closer to your goals.
  4. This gives you a continually updated list of 12 things to do, which will act as a "Mental track to run on".
  5. Follow the track and it will take you to the completion of your goals.

That will make 2017 a terrific year for you and your family.

Goal Setting Training Goal Setting Training Course Logo

Goal Setting, Communication and Conflict.

You cannot achieve the goal you failed to set. So the first step to achieving your goal is to set it.
Then you need to communicate the goal to others and you need to handle the inevitable conflicts and problems you will get whenever you try implement your plans. This course will help.

About the Author: Chris Farmer


Chris Farmer is the founder of the Corporate Coach Group and has many years’ experience in training leaders and managers, in both the public and private sectors, to achieve their organisational goals, especially during tough economic times. He is also well aware of the disciplines and problems associated with running a business.

Over the years, Chris has designed and delivered thousands of training programmes and has coached and motivated many management teams, groups and individuals. His training programmes are both structured and clear, designed to help delegates organise their thinking and, wherever necessary, to improve their techniques and skills.

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Further Reading in Motivation

  • What is 'Quiet Quitting'?
    Basically, Quiet Quitting is when employees do the bare minimum amount of work, in order to avoid being fired. It is a new phrase for an old problem, but what are the causes of it and how can organisations deal with it?
    Read Article >
  • Load the Dice in Your Favour
    Success requires all three dice; representing you, others, and circumstances, to score a 6. Your excellence, others' performance, and favourable circumstances must align for success. A challenging feat, over which you only have partial control.
    Read Article >
  • How to Motivate Myself and Others
    All leaders need to develop the skill of motivation. Motivation is a specific emotion. All emotions are a product of thought, because whatever you think about causes an emotion. To be positive you need to think positively.
    Read Article >
  • Motivational Emotions
    Motivation comes in many forms: some positive and some negative. Which of these three motivational emotions do you think are the most effective: fear, anger or desire?
    Read Article >
  • Motivational Management: Positive Mental Attitude
    Nothing succeeds like success! Here is a powerful eight point plan for developing a Positive Mental Attitude. If you apply these points, you will rapidly achieve excellent results.
    Read Article >

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