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How to Stay Motivated During Lockdown

How to Stay Motivated During Lockdown

How to Stay Motivated During Lockdown

Remember, lockdown is temporary. Nothing lasts forever, and neither will the lockdown. So, enjoy the day you're on.

Do you remember when you had to go to work every day? You complained about the people at work.

Now you're not there, you appreciate all the things being at work gives you.

So, for the short while you have at home during lockdown, appreciate all the things you have at home.

Create a structure

One of the things you got from work is structure.

At home there is no structure imposed.

So, create a good structure and stick to it.

For example, I ensure that I am at my desk at 9.00am, ready to do whatever I can to contribute to my future. Today, I wrote this blog.

Even though I don't need to, I insist on working between 9.00am and 1pm. Then in the afternoon I dedicate myself to self-study and I read all the books I've never had time to read.

I do this even on the days I don't feel like it, because structure is important to a healthy mind.

An unstructured day leads to an unstructured brain, and that leads to feeling off-colour.

You can design your own structure, it doesn't matter exactly what it is, so long as structure exists.

Dress-up and put on a good show

On lockdown, it is easy to sit around in your pyjamas. But don't.

The "psychology of clothes" is a profound study, that you might look into after you have finished reading this blog.

What people wear, affects how they feel. That is why people wear uniforms, because clothes give identity.

If you want to feel good, look good. Dress up nicely and put your best foot forward.

Ask yourself, what is great about this?

It is not facts that determine how you feel. It is how you evaluate the facts.

If you cannot change the facts, but you don't like how you feel, are you doomed to feel bad until the facts change in your favour? No!

If you don't like the way you feel, but cannot change the facts, then change how you evaluate the facts, by asking more positive questions such as:

  • What is great about this?
  • How can I make this more fun?
  • How can I profit from this situation?
  • How can I use this situation to help others?

Make your home environment more motivational

Whilst being at home during lockdown, it is easy to go stir crazy.

Everyone is affected by their physical environment. So it is important to ask, "What can I do to beautify and embellish my living/working space, to make it more stimulating?

You have five senses: Sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell.

  • Sight: Put up some new art. Or better still, take up art.
  • Hearing: What interesting things could you listen to. Or better still, take up singing, or a musical instrument, or learn a new language
  • Touch: What can you do that needs careful hand-eye coordination?
  • Taste: This is easy: what could you cook or bake?
  • Smell: how can you make your living space fragrant.

You can make your living space feel like a prison or a palace. Make it a palace.

Don't overdose on the news

Keep up with national and international news.

But don't overdose and become a media junky.

Because of the amount of competition, every news organisation - including the BBC - are in a life and death struggle for their existence.

Journalists are NOT paid to get the truth; they are paid to get ratings.

So, the news media sensationalise, dramatise, exaggerate and distort the news to make it more alluring. Click bait.

The news will always be an exaggeratedly negative version of events. You don't need to drown in bad news. It is emotional suicide.

Limit your exposure to once a day.

Phone a friend

There are lots of people who would love to talk to you on the phone. During the writing of this blog I took a call from my mum, who called me by mistake, but we talked for 15 minutes. Since I am on lockdown, I can do that. So can you!

Ring friends from the "good old days".

Yesterday I called Gavin, my old room-mate from college days. I have not seen him for many years, but I called him yesterday and caught up on old times. It was fun.

Phone everyone you know and talk. It's good to talk!

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." William Shakespeare

Face-to-Face Training Resumes in July

We are pleased to announce that our open training courses will resume in July 2020, in Leeds, London and Birmingham.

Or book a course three or more months in advance and receive an early bird discount.

We look forward to seeing you soon.

FREE, live streaming Personal Development Webinars.

We are offering you the opportunity to learn a powerful set of new skills, which will help you get the best result from any situation that life throws at you.

There are eight modules of approximately an hour in length, each one covers a different topic:

  • How your thoughts affect the result
  • Reduce fear and replace it with confidence
  • How to positively influence others
  • A five-part formula for success
  • Prioritisation: How to get the most from every day
  • Feedback: the breakfast of champions
  • A healthy mind and healthy body
  • How to set and achieve your goals

Don't delay, register your interest today!

About the Author: Chris Farmer


Chris Farmer is the founder of the Corporate Coach Group and has many years’ experience in training leaders and managers, in both the public and private sectors, to achieve their organisational goals, especially during tough economic times. He is also well aware of the disciplines and problems associated with running a business.

Over the years, Chris has designed and delivered thousands of training programmes and has coached and motivated many management teams, groups and individuals. His training programmes are both structured and clear, designed to help delegates organise their thinking and, wherever necessary, to improve their techniques and skills.

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Further Reading in Motivation

  • How to Motivate Yourself and Others
    To be happy, everyone needs to have a goal. If you have a goal, then you have something to aim for. Goals give you a mental image of a better future. With a goal, you have hope, desire, ambition, motivation and enthusiasm.
    Read Article >
  • How to Succeed and How Not to Fail
    There is a reason for everything, including success and failure. Don't be a loser. By following these four steps you can be successful.
    Read Article >
  • How to Find Positive Motivation
    People who have positive motivation are more likely to feel empowered and be more adaptable in difficult circumstances. Find out how to develop a positive mind-set.
    Read Article >
  • Motivation by Affirmation
    If you want to feel positive emotions, then you need to create them by holding positive thoughts in your mind, consistently.
    Read Article >
  • Make 2017 a Terrific Year for You and Your Family
    How to make 2017 the best year ever, for you and your family with these five steps.
    Read Article >

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