Leadership Training: Six Tips for Success
Six Tips for Success
There is a set of six principles that you must master if you want to achieve success.
They are as follows. Goals; plans; action; feedback; change; persistence.
1. Goals.
Set a goal and focus on it for a long time: long enough for you to achieve it.
2. Plans.
Figure out practical plans that are capable of taking you in the direction of your goals.
3. Action.
Make yourself take immediate and consistent action;implement the plans you have made.
4. Feedback.
The willingness to observe carefully where your plans are NOT working.
5. Change.
Be willing to adapt, and modify your plans, according the negative feedback your recent actions have generated.
6. Persistence.
The ability to repeat the process of writing plans, taking action, observing their results, and changing the plan, whenever the results are negative. This process is summed up in the word, PERSISTENCE.
It seems so simple; and it is simple. But it is not easy.
Please answer the following questions honestly:
Question 1:
- Do you have a list of long range, ambitious, worthwhile goals at which to aim?
- Or are you living your life with no big ambition, and just hoping that your luck, or the government, will change?
Question 2.
- Do you have detailed written plans that are capable of taking you towards your goals?
- Or not?
Question 3.
- Are you taking consistent action to achieve a long range, ambitious, and worthwhile goal?
- Or are you spending all your free time entertaining yourself?
Question 4.
Are you paying attention to the results you have been creating recently? In the last 6 months, would you say you have made good progress? Or have you remained static? Or perhaps even gone backwards?
Question 5.
Are you willing to admit when you are wrong? Meaning; do you notice when your recent actions have failed to produce the progress you were hoping for? Or do you tend to defend your errors, and become annoyed if anyone dares to suggests your recent actions are NOT cutting much ice?
Question 6.
How persistent are you? Are you willing to set goals; make and remake plans; take massive action; observe the results, and make the necessary adaptive changes?
Or do you tend to give up too soon, at the first, second or third rejection?
If you do give-up too soon, after three or four setbacks, then you may be cheating yourself out of the BIG prizes that are awarded to those people who never give up.
Think it over.
Then pass these same questions to a friend or partner.
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Further Reading in Leadership and Management
The Top Ten Leadership Skills
People who lack leadership qualities are inspired by those who do. Check out the top ten leadership skills and discover where you are strongest and where your weaknesses are.
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What is the Leadership Quality that People Overlook?
Rationality is the one leadership skill that is commonly overlooked. Being an effective leader means being able to use deductive and inductive reasoning and logic, and treating all people reasonably.
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McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y Leadership Styles
McGregor offered his two contrasting leadership theories to be used as people motivators. We examine the two styles of leadership and when to use them.
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Avoiding Guesswork in Business
Relying on 'hunches' or 'gut feelings' is common for managers, but it's just disguised guessing. This approach may seem quick, but it can lead to significant trouble. Choose wisely.
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Common Characteristics of Leadership and Management
Leaders and managers share some common characteristics It is these characteristics that mark them out as leaders and managers. Two of these distinguishing characteristics are: 1. T...
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