Improving Communication In the Workplace
Improving Communication in the Workplace
It is important that communication between colleagues does not result in negative emotions and bad feelings.
Sometimes, managers make mistakes in the way they communicate. These mistakes often take two forms:
- They fail to give colleagues the proper praise and appreciation, when it is due.
- When the manager needs to give some corrective feedback, they come on too strong and make a bad situation worse.
The net result of these two communication errors is to cause a dent in the motivation of the team, and even set up the conditions for a negative atmosphere.
The answer to this problem is to develop specific communication skills. Managers need to correct the above two errors.
- They need to know how to how to give constructive criticism. (ie how not to give destructive criticism).
- Your managers need to know how to improve morale, by giving proper praise, appreciation and thanks.
How to give constructive criticism.
Managers should be aware of the following when giving constructive criticism.
1. Get the timing right.
Never criticise people in front of their friends and colleagues.
2. Use a rational, not emotional approach.
Conflicts tend to trigger negative emotions in the mind; such as anger and upset.
But too much anger and upset can make a bad situation worse.
Therefore, you need to minimise the risk of triggering negative emotional responses.
3. Use factual, specific, non-emotionalised language.
Describe your message in objective terms.
Objective language is your key to success.
Use only objective, factual language, when in conflict.
4. Be assertive, not aggressive, nor passive.
If your come-on too strong, they will fight you: If you don't come-on strong enough, they will ignore you.
Ensure you use the right level of assertiveness.
5. Instead of arguing about the past, switch the conversation onto the future.
Don't argue about the past that led to the conflict: Instead, negotiate a way forward into a better future.
6. Prepare your message in advance.
If you can, prepare your message in advance. You need to know what you will say, before you say it.
7. Formulate a solution to the problem or difficult situation.
You need to figure out a solution that is rational under the circumstances, and therefore more likely to obtain an agreement.
8. Distinguish "reasons" from "excuses".
If the person says NO to your proposal, then you need to know how to distinguish "reasons" from "excuses" for not doing something.
9. Know when to compromise (and when not to).
Compromise is sometimes the right thing to do, and sometimes it is the worst thing you could do.
10. Control your body language and use proper voice tone.
You need to master your own posture, eye contact, facial expression and gestures.
In addition, you must master your own voice volume, pitch and speed of delivery.
How to improve morale by giving proper praise, appreciation and thanks.
Giving appreciation is not very difficult to do.
One simply must remember to do it.
And to remember that: the lack of appreciation is a demotivator.
Use the magic phrase, "Thank you very much for XYZ, I really appreciate it".
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Further Reading in Communication - Clear Communication
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Looking for Communication Skills Training?
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