Emotional Resilience; How to Quickly Recover From Defeat and Disappointment
Emotional Resilience; How to quickly recover from defeat and disappointment.
Definition of emotional resilience,
Emotional resilience is a learnable skill that allows us to bounce back stronger after a series of criticisms setbacks and defeats. It is based recognising that every defeat has the potential to teach us something which we may apply to our next attempt and will increase our chances of future success.
Everyone suffers defeats and disappointments.
Some people recover quickly, some more slowly, and a few never recover.
How can we train ourselves to quickly recover from life's inevitable defeats and disappointments?
Here are the steps:
1. Submit to the inevitable negative emotions.
Feelings of loss and upset are inevitable after a defeat.
It is natural and normal to feel disheartened. We should not try to suppress or repress these negative emotions but allow them to flow, as the natural and human response to defeat.
2. Put a time limit on it.
At some point, we must consciously decide to draw a line, accept the loss as part of history, and begin to reconstruct a more positive and optimistic mindset.
3. Analyse the loss.
Every loss has causes. Determine what lessons we can learn from them. Identify what we did or failed to do that contributed to the loss. Consider how we can correct these mistakes to avoid repeating them and ow to implement better methods and increase our chances of success in the future.
4. Turn your mind to new opportunities and goals.
If we open our eyes to see them, there are always opportunities available to us.
If no opportunities are visible, we can set a long-range and worthwhile goal for ourselves.
Setting goals is the first step to optimism because we can only be optimistic when we have a vision of a better future, and goals provide us with that.
5. Write plans.
When we have a goal, our next step is to create detailed written plans. These plans are our first theory on how we can start moving towards the achievement of goals.
Once we have a goal and detailed written plans on how to achieve it, we lay the foundation for an optimistic mindset.
6. Rational Optimism
Optimism can only be achieved when we have goals for a better future together with plans to achieve them. These two elements give us a mindset we call "Rational optimism".
Rational optimism is the epitome of good mental health and can only be achieved with goals and detailed written plans. When we have both these elements, we have emotionally recovered from our defeat.
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Further Reading in Positive Thinking
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