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How to Deal With Covid Lockdown Emotions

How to Deal With Covid Lockdown Emotions

How to Deal With COVID Lockdown Emotions

Whenever you are faced with what seems to be a negative situation, there are always two aspects to consider:

  1. The practical, logical aspect.
  2. The emotional, psychological aspect.

With regard to the COVID-19 lockdown, the practical aspect is relatively simple: Do nothing, stay at home.

It seems easy, but it isn't.

The emotional and psychological ramifications of the lockdown are not easy to deal with, because staying at home and doing nothing, is an unnatural state of affairs.

How well you handle this situation emotionally will be based upon what beliefs you hold.

Here are two sets of three words. One set describes an unhealthy attitude to the lockdown, the second describes a healthy way of looking at the same thing.

This is the unhealthy attitude:

Permanent, Pervasive and Powerless.

Taken together "permanent and pervasive" means that you consider COVID-19 has changed life irrevocably for the worse, and that "things will never be the same again".

"Powerless" means that you feel you have lost all power to influence your own life; that your fate is being dictated by forces beyond your control; that you are like a pinball in a pinball machine, with no will nor choice of your own.

Thinking like this is emotional poison.

Here is the healthy set; note that they are the opposite of the words listed above:

Temporary, Limited and Powerful.

Taken together "temporary and limited" means that this situation is time limited, it will not affect everyone negatively. Things will recover, because time is the great healer.

This enforced time away from work and normal activities, is perfect for you to invest in building-up your personal power.

During the lockdown, use the time to:

  • read more
  • exercise more
  • sleep more
  • talk to someone on the phone
  • study more
  • find a new hobby
  • and set goals for a better future

So, the healthy attitude is to use lockdown to improve yourself, to become stronger and fitter.

Take Back Control.

Remember that how you feel emotionally, is governed by the beliefs you hold in your subconscious mind.

To feel better, eliminate bad thoughts and accentuate the good.

  • Eliminate thoughts based around increasing powerlessness.
  • Accentuate thoughts based around increasing your personal power.
  • Enjoy your day!

"Don't count the days; make the days count!" - Muhammad Ali

About the Author: Chris Farmer


Chris Farmer is the founder of the Corporate Coach Group and has many years’ experience in training leaders and managers, in both the public and private sectors, to achieve their organisational goals, especially during tough economic times. He is also well aware of the disciplines and problems associated with running a business.

Over the years, Chris has designed and delivered thousands of training programmes and has coached and motivated many management teams, groups and individuals. His training programmes are both structured and clear, designed to help delegates organise their thinking and, wherever necessary, to improve their techniques and skills.

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Further Reading in Positive Thinking

  • Reducing Fear and Replacing it with Confidence
    Don't let fear stop you from achieving your goals, find out how to replace it with confidence. You are invited to join our free webinar to learn how to achieve this.
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  • Emotional Resilience; How to quickly recover from defeat and disappointment
    We all face defeats and disappointments. Learn how to recover swiftly with these practical steps: embrace emotions, set goals, and cultivate rational optimism. Turn setbacks into comebacks!
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  • The Importance of Resilience in Modern Life
    The ability to thrive amidst life’s challenges – known as resilience - can be developed over time. It empowers well-being, work, and personal life. Understanding stress, external or self-imposed, leads to empowerment and contentment.
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  • What is the Betari/Betaris Box?
    Your attitude affects your behaviour and in turn affects how others respond to you. We all have the ability to choose our attitude. Make a conscious decision to choose the attitude you want to be reflected in others. This is the Betari box method.
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  • Happiness is a State of Mind
    We all want to be happy. But happiness is not just a physical state, depending on your material possessions, it is a state of mind. You alone are in control of your happiness. Happiness can be achieved by controlling your inner thoughts.
    Read Article >

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