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Do you Know When to Stop?

Do you know when to stop?

Do you know when to stop?

Most people don't know:

  • When to stop arguing
  • When to stop joking
  • When to stop eating
  • When to stop drinking
  • When to stop working

1. When to stop arguing.

Whenever you are arguing, remember that someone, at some stage, has to decide to stop arguing.

If neither of you stops the argument, it continues until there is major damage done to the relationship.

Decide in advance that when you next argue, YOU will be the one to stop.

That does not mean that you give any concessions, or agree to things you don't like, but is does mean that you are prepared to make your point and then stop arguing.

There comes a point in all arguments when everyone has made all the points they can, and you have reached an impasse. Continuing to argue beyond that point is not only useless, it is counterproductive, since if you try to impose your ideas on others, they become stubborn.

When you reach the point of impasse, then you should notice that you HAVE reached it, and then you should stop arguing.

Let the other person have the last word.

2. When to stop joking.

Everyone likes to have a laugh. There is a time for good humour, but like all good things, it is possible to over indulge.

At some point, the joke must stop, because at the end of every joke, there is the butt of the joke.

It is very easy to overstep the mark. What starts as a joke, can end up as an insult.

Be careful that you do not offend people, by making careless jokes at their expense.

3. When to stop eating and drinking.

When it comes to food and drink, we live in a world of abundance. We all have the opportunity to eat and drink too much.

Since eating and drinking are self-reinforcing behaviours, and because nobody limits our consumption, then it is EASY to overdo it.

You need to know when to stop eating and drinking.

The best way I have found to do this is to give myself a rule. "No second helpings."

Have a pudding, but no second helpings.

Share a bottle of wine, but not two.

Have a biscuit with your coffee, but NOT two.

Over eating and over drinking are the two main causes of avoidable illnesses in the western world.

Learn to know when to stop.

4. When to stop working.

Many people fall into the trap of overworking, many athletes fall into trap of over training.

It is a common mistake to think "More work is better."

Many people think in terms of quantity of effort, believing they will reach their goals faster if they work harder!

This idea sounds good, but it's wrong.

It isn't the quantity of your work that makes the biggest difference, but rather the quality.

If you work too much, or for too long, then you get tired, and therefore performance quality drops. You make more mistakes, and mistakes slow you down and create even more work.

It is better NOT to overwork.

The trick to being successful, is to give work to the highest quality, by limiting the volume of work and increasing its value.

You need to know when to stop working and take a break.

About the Author: Chris Farmer


Chris Farmer is the founder of the Corporate Coach Group and has many years’ experience in training leaders and managers, in both the public and private sectors, to achieve their organisational goals, especially during tough economic times. He is also well aware of the disciplines and problems associated with running a business.

Over the years, Chris has designed and delivered thousands of training programmes and has coached and motivated many management teams, groups and individuals. His training programmes are both structured and clear, designed to help delegates organise their thinking and, wherever necessary, to improve their techniques and skills.

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Further Reading in Personal Effectiveness

  • How to think straight
    Thinking straight is the ability to analyse and interpret the facts, in a rational and logical way. Training yourself to think straight, will help you avoid jumping to incorrect conclusions, and keep your head while all about you are losing theirs.
    Read Article >
  • From Information to Wisdom - Four Layers of Understanding
    We are surrounded by information, but not all of it is useful. To truly understand and make sense of the world, we must break through four layers: Information, Knowledge, Understanding, and Wisdom.
    Read Article >
  • Theory and Practice
    You can make some progress using trial and error, but it can be fraught with danger. To achieve a more reliable outcome, it is far better to use a proper theory and intelligent practice. So what is a proper theory?
    Read Article >
  • What is Impression Management?
    Impression management is the art of presenting yourself in a positive way. First impressions do count, especially in interviews and business situations. Learn the art of leaving good impressions wherever you go.
    Read Article >
  • How to Use the Pleasure/Pain Principle
    Bad habits tend to be pleasurable. Eating unhealthily might be pleasurable at the time, but the long term consequences, could lead to pain, quite literally. This blog examines why wisdom is the art of thinking long term.
    Read Article >

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