Psychology of Success
Psychology of success.
Why are some people more successful than others?
It is clear that some people do better than others and that isn't due to having better backgrounds, or superior intelligence.
We know this, because we see many examples of unsuccessful people who came from good backgrounds and we see many intelligent, non-successful people.
Successful people have developed the psychology of success.
They have success-orientated minds.
Either by chance or design, some people discover the specific set of mental patterns that cause success.
This set of mental patterns can be applied to any field of human endeavour and it will be successful, because the pattern consists of general laws, or universal principles, that describe successful action.
These mental patterns consist of:
1. Goal focused mentality.
If we define success as "the achievement of a valuable, worthwhile and moral goal", then one hundred per cent commitment to a goal, is the first psychological step required.
Nobody can achieve a goal they never set.
A goal focus is the first requirement.
2. Systematic, realistic and coherent planner.
A goal needs a plan capable of achieving it. So successful people are relentless planners.
Successful people don't believe in luck.
They believe in preparation.
3. Persistence
Anything of real value takes months and years to achieve, so successful people have persistence. They don't give up, they come back, day after day, for months, years and decades.
The "overnight success" only happens after many years of persistent effort.
4. Sensitivity to feedback.
Effort on its own is not enough, because it is possible to put a lot of effort into the wrong method.
Successful people are very observant and sensitive to the feedback results their recent actions have created. If their actions don't produce progress, they notice, and they make the necessary changes and adaptations. They never repeat the same mistake.
5. Adaptability.
Successful people are quick to adapt to changing circumstances. They understand that what may have been a winning formula three years ago will be a losing formula now, because the context has radically changed.
Successful people are ready to adapt themselves and their methods and their plans, but the goal remains the same.
6. Cooperative spirit.
Successful people know how to gain the willing cooperation of other people.
Success requires the combined efforts of many people, working in harmony, to achieve a long range, worthwhile and valuable goal.
Successful people know they can only succeed, by harnessing the power of other people's cooperative efforts.
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Further Reading in Personal Effectiveness
How to Manage Your Emotions
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The Difference Between an Asset and a Liability
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Why Self-Discipline Matters for Success
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How to be More Efficient
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