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Develop your Mind, Body and Spirit

Develop Your Mind, Body and Spirit

Develop Your Mind, Body and Spirit

If you want things to get better, YOU need to get better.

If you work on yourself to improve your mind, your body and your spirit, then those improvements in yourself will be the catalyst for improvements in your outside circumstances.

Many people would love to see an improvement in their outside circumstances, but they don't want to make any improvements to themselves.

They just don't realise their outside circumstances are, to a degree, a product of their own actions, (or inactions). If you wish for a change in environment, then that change can only come from three sources:

  1. You could change things and make them the way you would like them.
  2. You could wait for other people to change things to the way you would like them.
  3. You could wait for random chance to operate in your favour and arrange things the way you like them.

But, you could wait a very long time for other people or blind chance to give you what you want.

The best way forward is to rely on your own self, to make things better for you and your family.

And, if you want to make your own life better, you will need to work on three things: Your mind, Your body and Your spirit.

1. Work to improve your mind

Your mind is your main means of success.

If you make quick and accurate decisions based on a logical evaluation of all the available evidence, then your life will be wonderful.

But, if you make bad decisions based on some instinctive reactions to rumours, prejudices, guesses and fearful imaginings, then your life will be woeful.

So please take some time to develop your mind. Learn these three laws of logic.

  1. Facts are facts: irrespective of whether you like them or not, know them or not, agree with them or not. Facts don't disappear merely because you refuse to accept them.
  2. Every effect has causes. You need to know and use the law of cause and effect.
  3. Learn the basic form of reasoning. Three-line reasoning where you can explain a fact by referring it to a broader principle.

Example: If someone continually eats too much sugar, then they will risk diabetes.

Successful people live by the laws of logic. If you want to be successful, then learn the laws of logic.

2. Work to improve your body

You are a physical, electro-chemical bio-organism. If you are to remain with us here on planet Earth, your physical structures need proper maintenance.

Your physical body needs:

  • Good nutrition.
  • The right amount of sleep
  • Proper exercise.

If you want to improve your life and levels of energy, then think about:

  • Improving your diet.
  • Going to bed on time.
  • Doing some form of physical training.

3. Work to improve your spirit

By spirit, I mean your state of mind. Your emotional states. In order to be happy, healthy and productive you need to keep your spirits, up.

That requires mental discipline.

  • Don't let your fears overwhelm you.
  • Don't let your temper get the better of you.
  • Don't pine for a return to the good old days.

Instead, think about how you can make your world a better place, and how you could achieve your goals.

The following three thought processes will make you feel more positive and lift your spirits.

  • Think about your goals for the future.
  • Think about your plans for your goals.
  • Think about how you can help others to achieve their goals.

Try thinking about these three things, on purpose, and notice how they change your mood and lift your spirits.

You may be interested in how to develop your personality.

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Personal Development Training

In order to improve your performance, you may need to develop your personal and professional skills: meaning: skills of communication, planning, prioritisation, motivation and personal confidence. If you want to learn more, then click here for personal development training.

About the Author: Chris Farmer


Chris Farmer is the founder of the Corporate Coach Group and has many years’ experience in training leaders and managers, in both the public and private sectors, to achieve their organisational goals, especially during tough economic times. He is also well aware of the disciplines and problems associated with running a business.

Over the years, Chris has designed and delivered thousands of training programmes and has coached and motivated many management teams, groups and individuals. His training programmes are both structured and clear, designed to help delegates organise their thinking and, wherever necessary, to improve their techniques and skills.

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Further Reading in Personal Development

  • How to get the best from yourself - Personal development training
    How to get the best from yourself Both in your work life and in your home life, you need to get the best from the others around you. In order to get the best from others, you must first learn to get the best from yourself. Before you can hope to...
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  • The Difference Between Objective and Subjective Reality
    Objective reality is the world according to the facts. Subjective reality is a person's perceptive of something. It is important to be able to distinguish between the two and know how to interpret them.
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  • How can I feel better about myself?
    If you are constantly putting yourself down, measuring yourself against impossible goals, and forgetting to take care of your physical body, then negative emotions will take over. Take these steps to start feeling better about yourself today.
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  • How to be Even More Successful
    No matter what you currently possess, you would probably like to see an improvement in your current situation. You would like to be more successful.
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  • Top Skills Needed by Entrepreneurs
    Being furloughed or working from home, has seen many people become dissatisfied with their current employment and dream of working for themselves. Find out if you have what it takes to become an entrepreneur.
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