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Be a Team Player

Be a Team Player

Be a Team Player

Everyone is judged by the others in the team, as being in one of three categories, either as;

  1. A positive, beneficial addition to the team. or
  2. A neutral factor: meaning, this person is not particularly helpful, but he-she is not harmful either. or
  3. As being a negative, trouble-making factor in the team. These people are more trouble than they are worth.

Your mission is to be a beneficial addition to the team. And if you cannot do that, then would you please strive hard, NOT to be a trouble maker.

Question: Do you know anyone in your team who seems to create more trouble than they are worth?

These people may be highly qualified in terms of their technical skills, but the problem is in the negative effect that they have on the productive atmosphere of the team. There are some people who don't realize that the emotional component of a team's performance is very important.

So, highly competent people with terrific technical skills may still, on closer examination, be a negative factor because they upset the team's emotional balance. This may be by using harsh language, or by seeming to be rude, or by acting in an arrogant or selfish manner, or by belittling a subordinate colleague.

It is important to be a beneficial addition to the team.

Teamwork : Be a Team Player

You can do this best by recognising that the team functions at its best when the atmosphere in the team is Positive, Friendly, Goal focused, and Co-operative.

Each of those terms is important: Positive. Friendly. Goal focused. Cooperative. Let us look at each in turn.

1. Positive

Optimistic for the future. Being positive means thinking that the future will be fine. Negative means the opposite; negative people hold the presumption that the future will not be fine. So it is important that you don't overdose on pessimism, and fear, and worry.

Instead try to project the idea that if we work well, things will turn out well. The future is bright.

2. Friendly

Friendly means that you speak to people in friendly ways. This means that you don't berate them, or swear too much, or make fun of them (even "as a joke"). Friendly means taking the time to say "good morning", and "thank you", and being polite, even during tough times. Unfriendly behaviour will smash a team's spirit. So be cautious. Be friendly.

3. Goal focused

Although being friendly is on the list, we are not at work to make friends. We are at work to achieve goals. If the organisation does not achieve its goals, then its future is limited. So goal focus is one of the most important attributes of any team. (It may even be THE MOST important attribute of a team). So, make sure that everything you do and everything you say, contributes to the achievement of the goal. Or at least, make sure that your actions do not hinder the achievement of the team's goals.

4. Cooperative

Since no one person acting singly can achieve big goals, then we all need to gain the co-operative assistance of others. Therefore, you must gain the reputation for being a cooperative person. Cooperative means that you take the initiative to assist others. You pull your share of the work. You never shirk your responsibilities. You look for ways to help your team mates who may be struggling.

Don't be uncooperative: don't argue with people just for the sake of it. Some people argue a point simply because they like the entertainment-value of an argument.

Don't leave a mess behind you in the kitchen. Don't forget to offer the others a cup of tea, when you go to make your own.

If you see someone struggling with the door, hold it open for them.

Think carefully about how you can make the lives of your fellow team members better

If you make their lives better, then you will be considered to be a positive, beneficial addition to the team. If you don't, you won't.

Make the lives of your fellow team members, better.

Team Building Training

Learn how can you get the best performance from your team on our in-house one-day Team Building workshop. On this course you will have the opportunity to develop the skills that will make your team more productive and discover the factors that combine to make effective teams.

Personal Development Training Personal Development Training Course Logo

Personal Development Training

In order to improve your performance, you may need to develop your personal and professional skills: meaning: skills of communication, planning, prioritisation, motivation and personal confidence. If you want to learn more, then click here for personal development training.

About the Author: Chris Farmer


Chris Farmer is the founder of the Corporate Coach Group and has many years’ experience in training leaders and managers, in both the public and private sectors, to achieve their organisational goals, especially during tough economic times. He is also well aware of the disciplines and problems associated with running a business.

Over the years, Chris has designed and delivered thousands of training programmes and has coached and motivated many management teams, groups and individuals. His training programmes are both structured and clear, designed to help delegates organise their thinking and, wherever necessary, to improve their techniques and skills.

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Further Reading in Teamwork

  • Tuckman's Five Stages of Team Development
    What is Tuckman's five stages of team development model and is it the best way for leaders to get the best performance from their teams?
    Read Article >
  • Characteristics of High-performing Teams
    To achieve a company's goals, teams must be high-performing. Team Leaders must be aware of the characteristics that teams need to ensure they meet their goals, and how to achieve them.
    Read Article >
  • Staff development training
    Staff development training You need to get the best performance from your staff. Why? Because the future survival and success of your organisation depends on the quality and quantity of their performance. If you get a good performance from the staff, then your chances for great success improve dramatically, and if...
    Read Article >
  • How can I get the team to work together?
    Do your team members sometimes fight amongst themselves, and tend to work against each other; rather than with each other? If so, what can you do about it?
    Read Article >
  • Building Better Work Relationships
    The better your relationships with other people, the more likely you will be able to work together, to achieve your common goals. Ten tips to apply in order to improve your work relationships.
    Read Article >

Looking for People Management Skills Training?

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