Staff Training Programme
Training programmes for your staff
Staff training is important, because your future success is dependent on the performance of your staff.
- If your staff perform well, then you will achieve your goals and you will be successful.
- If your staff don't perform well, then you will not achieve your goals and you may fail.
In order to get the best from each individual member of staff, you may need to provide them with training.
Everyone can improve their performance and this improvement can be accelerated by a well designed training programme. Well-designed training programmes can give your team the specific knowledge and skills sets that can help them to improve their individual and team performance.
Question: What are the skills sets they need to improve their performance?
There are six major skill sets they need to improve performance.
Here they are:
- The ability to set and achieve clear goals.
- The ability to plan ahead and properly organise resources, people and tasks.
- The ability to overcome procrastination and take consistent action: i.e. to work the plan that will achieve the goal.
- The ability to notice what elements of the plan and team performance are strong and to effectively capitalise on the teams strengths.
- The ability to notice what elements of the team performance are weak and to work to eliminate any team errors or failings.
- The ability to embrace change in order to continually improve the team, and individual performance, so that every year there is a measurable improvement in team productivity.
Let us make notes on each of these major skill sets.
1. The ability to set and achieve clear goals
Success is defined as; the achievement of a worthwhile and valuable goal.
Therefore, in order to be successful, it is essential that each person, in the team, is aware of the goal and is committed to achieving it. We call this quality "goal focus".
Goal focus is the mental act of identifying a worthwhile and valuable goal and concentrating on the achievement of that goal for the length of time necessary to achieve it.
That length of time is usually months, years or even decades.
"Goal focus" is not the usual state of affairs because most people are focusing only on today and tomorrow. They don't think about next year, or three years, or five years from now.
They say, "Live for today. You might be run over by a bus tomorrow. Don't worry. Be happy".
You have heard these sentiments.
But all successful people are future orientated, goal focused individuals. They do think about where they want to be one year from now, three years from now, five years from now.
Long range goal focus is important because most goals are difficult; they take months and years to achieve.
It takes years to do anything worthwhile. And this fact makes goal focus the number one quality that needs to be cultivated in each member of the team.
Training on goal setting is therefore an integral part of your staff training programme.
2.The ability to plan ahead and properly organise resources, people and tasks
The moment the goal has been agreed, then a plan must be drawn up. A plan that is capable of achieving the goal. A plan that is intelligent, detailed, and logical. The plan represents the blueprint that lays down the steps that have to be taken, in order to achieve the goal.
- The goal represents what you want to achieve.
- The plan represents how you intend to achieve it.
Obviously a goal without a plan is worthless.
Obviously a goal with an intelligent, detailed and logical plan is priceless.
The goal must be intelligent; meaning that it must take into account all the facts. It must take into account the resources that are available. It must take into account the limitations that are in operation. It must detail who is going to do what, by what means, and by when.
The plan must be a logical analysis of the steps that must be taken, in the right order, in the right way.
Build the plans,
Plan; prepare; delegate; organise.
Don't guess; don't make it up as you go.
Planning and time management skills are an integral part of your staff training programme
3. The ability to overcome procrastination and take consistent action: to work the plan that will achieve the goal
The plan is only a theory. It must be put into practice.
A plan won't work unless you do.
A plan must be put into action.
- This means work
- This means effort
- This means labour
Some people don't like working hard. They shirk off. They procrastinate. They don't do what they are supposed to do. They spend too long in tea breaks, they are late back from lunch and they are first out of the door at closing time.
The willingness to exert effort and work hard to implement the plan is the next element of the staff training. How many people in your staff are enthusiastic and hard working? And how many are not?
How many are doing all they can and how many are doing the minimum they can get away with?
How many are dedicated and how many are not?
Motivation and a positive mental attitude towards work is an integral part of the staff development training.
Without work, nothing works.
4.The ability to notice what elements of the team performance is strong and to effectively play to the teams strengths
When the plan is implemented the results will soon become apparent.
The results will come and it will be seen that they can be put into two major categories.
- Good results
- Not good results
If your actions are creating good results it means that the plan was sound and the actions were well executed and therefore you should keep doing what you are doing. The plan is giving you what you expected. Or it is giving you better than want you expected.
If this is the case, press on. Work like crazy and press home your advantage
Recognition of good work is an integral part of your staff training.
Recognise and reward good work.
5.The ability to notice what elements of the team performance is weak and to work to eliminate any team errors and weaknesses
But recognise too that you will create negative results. Negative results mean that your current actions are not working; you are not getting what you wanted; you are getting poor results or even worse painful consequences and defeats.
- This means that your plans were faulty or
- The implementation of your plans was less than perfect.
Or both; bad planning and bad performance.
If this is the case it is important that you are able to recognise that you are wrong.
This is for many people a skill they don't possess.
They cannot admit that they are wrong. They assume that they are right but the rest of the universe is wrong.
Therefore they assume that the universe should change and that they don't need to.
The ability to learn from setbacks, errors, omissions, mistakes, failure and defeats is a crucial and vital skill.
It is also a rare skill.
The ability to learn from setbacks, errors, omissions, mistakes, failure and defeat is an integral part of your staff development training.
6.The ability to embrace change in order to continually improve team and individual performance so that every year there is a measurable improvement in team productivity
Once one has accepted the fact that one's performance is imperfect, the next stage is to be willing to make changes.
- Improvement implies change
- Improvement demands change
Improvement demands adaptive, intelligent and evolutionary change.
- Adaptive means according to the changing environmental pressures
- Intelligent means thought through carefully
Evolutionary means; a commitment to ever increasing levels of perfection towards a complete adaptation to your form, your function and your business environment.
Intelligent design and evolutionary change
The willingness to change and to evolve into new forms and to let go of extinct ways of doing business is another vital skill. It is also rare.
Many people don't like change. They resist change. They would rather not bother. They would rather simply repeat this year, what they did last year and the year before that......
They say, "I'm not way!"
But change is upon us.
And in order to survive and prosper, we must evolve and change.
Therefore change management and continuous improvement is an integral part of your staff development training.
Your staff development training should be based on six key skills sets:
1. Setting Goals
2. Building Plans
3. Dedicated Action
4. Positive feedback
5. Negative feedback
6. Adaptive Change
If you want a staff training that incorporates these themes then please call us.
Follow this link for more information about Corporate Coach Group Staff training programmes
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Further Reading in Teamwork
Coaching and Mentoring Skills
Non-Directive Coaching and Mentoring Coaching and mentoring are both forms of non-directive teaching. Non directive teaching is radically different to directive teaching. Rather than a directive teacher saying, "Do this. Do that. Learn this. Learn that." a coach or mentor would use a series of provocative questions that would induce the...
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How can I improve team performance?
How to improve team performance The future of your organisation depends upon the performance of the team. If the team performance is good, then your future will go well. If your team performance is no-good, then your future will be hell. Your organisation is made up of individuals. Those individuals come...
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Staff Training Programme
Training programmes for your staff Staff training is important, because your future success is dependent on the performance of your staff. If your staff perform well, then you will achieve your goals and you will be successful. If your staff don't perform well, then you will not achieve your goals and...
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Characteristics of High-performing Teams
To achieve a company's goals, teams must be high-performing. Team Leaders must be aware of the characteristics that teams need to ensure they meet their goals, and how to achieve them.
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Building Better Work Relationships
The better your relationships with other people, the more likely you will be able to work together, to achieve your common goals. Ten tips to apply in order to improve your work relationships.
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Looking for People Management Skills Training?
If you're looking to develop your Teamwork Skills, you may find this People Management Skills Training Course beneficial:
Open Training Course Pricing and Availability
Next Open Course Running tomorrow in London - Central, places available