Established, since 1997, leading UK based training provider.
Celebrating 25 years in business! CPD Member - The CPD Certification Service ilm Recognised Provider
Team Leader Training

Online Team Leader Training - 2 Day Live Webinar

Team leaders are important because they operate on the front line of service delivery. Your organisation stands or falls on its team leaders’ ability to organise and motivate staff to get the job done, on time and to the right standard.

But many team leaders have not had any specific training to guide them in their role as leader, manager. All team leaders benefit from specific training.

This interactive online two-day training will give your team leaders/managers the additional guidance, support and skills they need to become more confident and competent in their role.

This course will make them, and your organisation, more successful.

The next Live Instructor-led Webinar, is starting in: Register Now
Also available as face-to-face training: Open Course or In - House

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Team Leader Training Availability, Pricing and Course Dates

If you have any questions, please phone us (020 3856 3037) or send us a message.

Live Online Virtual Training

£700+VAT per delegate
  • Live Online Team Leader Virtual Training delivered via Zoom or Microsoft Teams
  • Easy to join - all you need is a laptop or tablet with a Webcam
  • Learn the same skills as a face-to-face session, but from the comfort of your own home (or office!)

Open Course (Face-to-Face)

£900+VAT per delegate
(Early Bird Offers Available)
  • Delivered at venues around the UK
  • Open Course Timings are: 9am - 4.30pm
  • If you arrive earlier than 9am, there is coffee / tea waiting for you.

Bespoke Training (In-House or Live Online)

£2,150+VAT per training day
(International Price Varies)

In-House training has been designed to provide a similar experience to our open courses, however we can tailor the content to fit your specific needs.

Plus, travel and hotel accommodation for trainer if needed (Premier Inn type: not the Hilton!)

We are able to train in your timezone.

All our training includes:

  • Two full days of quality training, delivered by an experienced trainer
  • Total of 12 CPD training hours (9am - 4.30pm), plus an additional 2-3 via post-course online independent learning.
  • Full digital interactive course notes
  • Training certificate
  • Access to additional free training material after the course via our post-course portal
  • 3 months free telephone coaching: Whilst you are implementing what you have learned, if you need to, you can contact us for support and guidance

Online Team Leader Virtual Training

The purpose of this online, live interactive team leader training course is to help team leaders become more successful, by providing them with the additional skills they need to get the best performance from themselves and others.

Leadership is NOT an instinctive talent; Leadership is a set of learned skills. Some people learn leadership skills from their parents, but MOST of us don’t. We need to learn them from other sources. Most people who occupy the role of team leader benefit hugely from specific training designed to teach them the additional skills, habits and techniques of leadership.

This course will eliminate leadership mistakes and replace them with leadership skills.

This course covers all major team leader skills sets: Self-confidence, positive attitude, performance management, time management, prioritisation, delegation, goal setting and communication.

Give your team leaders the skills they need. Enable them to feel confident and motivated. Enrol them on this course now.

The next live online training session starts in: Register Now

Contact Us Today

If you want to know more about this course, or any other Management Training Courses, or their suitability for you or a colleague, call us on 020 3856 3037 or make an enquiry online.

Customer Reviews

4.9/5 Our Team Leader Course is rated based on 568 reviews. More Customer Reviews >
Even though the course was online, it was still really interactive. I now have some great tools to work with. Chris was terrific - engaging and discussing key points while also using the interactive whiteboard to illustrate key points. There was a good balance of slides, interactive whiteboard and discussion. I would recommend this course.
Tremendous course! Highly recommended at all levels in an organisation. Very good tools and techniques that are easy to apply at work and at home. Will change my outlook entirely! Chris is excellent. A very inspiring trainer, has made a real dif... [Read More]

Online Team Leader Training Course Overview

This course is delivered via either Zoom or Microsoft Teams. The session starts at 9am, with breaks at 11am, 1pm and 3pm. We finish at 4.30pm.

On this online live interactive course, team leaders will learn:

Goal setting: Your organisation exists to achieve goals, each team must achieve its subset goals. Your team leaders will learn about effective goal setting.

Communication: Team leaders will learn how to communicate with greater clarity, reason and positive emotion.

Conflict management: We will show your leader/managers how to handle difficult people and conflict situations.

Self-confidence: This course will give your team leaders new confidence, based upon gaining sound knowledge.

Positive attitude: A positive attitude to colleagues and clients is an essential component of success. We show your team leaders how to create and sustain a positive attitude, especially during tough times.

Performance management: The role of the team leader manager is to inspire the best performance from other people. That includes giving corrective feedback, in a positive way.

Time management: Your leaders need to make the team as productive as possible. That requires a knowledge of the principles of time management.

Prioritisation: Your team leaders will become experts at prioritisation, based on putting tasks into the right order, according to value, deadline pressure and logical sequence.

Delegation: Delegation is the art of entrusting the right task to the right person. We will show your team leaders how and why to delegate properly.

When your delegates finish this course, they will be motivated and enthusiastic because they will know they have learned such a lot of practical information in such a short time. They will be keen to put their training into practice.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Master all the essential team leader skills
  • How to set and achieve valuable goals
  • Inspire the team to give you their best efforts
  • Communicate with more clarity and greater confidence
  • Plan, prioritise and delegate more effectively and accelerate your progress
  • Quickly handle difficult people and tricky conversations with the correct amount of assertiveness
  • Develop more assurance, control and self-confidence based upon a solid foundation of knowledge

Register for an Online Training Session

We offer online training webinars via Zoom and Microsoft Teams, please choose one of the sessions below to start your registration process:

2 full days training (9am - 4.30pm - UK time - Convert) - only £700+VAT per delegate

Date Platform Cost Availability


4 - 5 November 2024Online via Teams£700 +VAT£700 +VAT


9 - 10 December 2024Online via Teams£700 +VAT£700 +VAT

January 2025

28 - 29 January 2025Online via Teams£620 +VAT£620 +VAT

February 2025

24 - 25 February 2025Online via Teams£620 +VAT£620 +VAT

March 2025

26 - 27 March 2025Online via Teams£620 +VAT£620 +VAT

April 2025

28 - 29 April 2025Online via Teams£620 +VAT£620 +VAT

June 2025

2 - 3 June 2025Online via Teams£620 +VAT£620 +VAT

July 2025

8 - 9 July 2025Online via Teams£620 +VAT£620 +VAT

September 2025

15 - 16 September 2025Online via Teams£620 +VAT£620 +VAT

October 2025

27 - 28 October 2025Online via Teams£620 +VAT£620 +VAT

Online Team Leader Training FAQs

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