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Why are Some Meetings a Waste of Time?

Why are some meetings a waste of time?

Why are some meetings a waste of time?

Many meetings are often a waste of time because:

  1. The meeting was held "out of habit".
  2. The meeting lacked a definite purpose.
  3. Too many people, or the wrong people, were invited to attend.
  4. There was no proper agenda.
  5. The meeting was badly chaired and went off-topic.
  6. The conversation was chaotic.
  7. The delegates were ill-prepared.
  8. The delegates' attitudes were negative.
  9. The decision was deferred again, and so the meeting achieved nothing of value.
  10. The cost of the meeting was more than its value.

Learn how to chair a successful meeting.

How to make meetings more efficient

In order to fix the problem that meetings are a waste of time, remember the following:

  1. Meetings should not be called out of habit.
  2. All meetings should be held in order to achieve a definite purpose.
  3. Only a minimum number should attend, and they should be the right people.
  4. There should be a written agenda.
  5. A competent chair person should run the meeting and keep things on track.
  6. The conversation should be ordered, systematised and kept on track, by the chairperson.
  7. The delegates should prepare themselves by finding, organising and bringing the information that is necessary to make the final decision.
  8. The delegates should strive to attend the meeting with their CAN-DO attitude switched on.
  9. Don't dither. Make the decision. Recognise that decisions must be made in the light of incomplete and uncertain knowledge.
  10. Ensure the value of the meeting outweighs its cost.

To calculate the hidden cost of your meetings, try this brilliant Cost of Meetings App.

About the Author: Chris Farmer


Chris Farmer is the founder of the Corporate Coach Group and has many years’ experience in training leaders and managers, in both the public and private sectors, to achieve their organisational goals, especially during tough economic times. He is also well aware of the disciplines and problems associated with running a business.

Over the years, Chris has designed and delivered thousands of training programmes and has coached and motivated many management teams, groups and individuals. His training programmes are both structured and clear, designed to help delegates organise their thinking and, wherever necessary, to improve their techniques and skills.

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Further Reading in Time Management

  • The 80/20 Rule - Pareto Principle - Explained
    The 80/20 Pareto rule originally stated that 80% (or more), of the wealth in any economy is owned by 20% (or less) of the population. Find out how to use this formula at work.
    Read Article >
  • Managing Stress
    Reducing your stress levels can be achieved by management of your work load and time pressures, together with managing the emotional responses to such pressures.
    Read Article >
  • How do you judge what is "important"?
    We all agree that we should do the most important things first. But what we cannot agree upon is: HOW to determine what are the “most important things”.
    Read Article >
  • How To Prioritise Tasks Effectively
    Discover how to prioritise effectively and improve your time management skills with our helpful guide. Find out more about our training courses online today.
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  • What is Time Blocking and Protected Time?
    The principle of time blocking will give you more control over your day and allow you to focus on the tasks to be done. Protect your time, improve your focus and deter procrastination, that way you will accomplish more in your day.
    Read Article >

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