The Importance of Self-Control In Leadership
Self-control is the foundation of leadership because in order to lead others, you must first learn to lead yourself.
Inside all of us there are three forces competing for control.
1. The force of your intellect, (rational mind).
2. The force of your emotions, (transient moods).
3. Basic Instincts, (fight or flight mechanisms).
What Makes a Good Leader?
Leaders are leaders because they are more mindful. They operate more on the level of their intellect.
Leaders are NOT so easily taken off track by transient moods or their basic instincts.
Leaders subordinate their mood and their basic instincts to their mind. I call this 'running on reason', or 'mind over mood'.
Leaders are leaders because they don't necessarily do what they feel like doing, or what the majority might urge them to do.
They do what is logically necessary to achieve the goal they have. Leaders are mindful.
Have you got what it takes to be a leader?
If you aspire to be a leader, then:
- You must control your mood.
- You must control your language.
- You must control your bad habits.
- You have to be able to work when you don't feel like working.
- You have to be able to stand firm when you feel like quitting.
- You sometimes have to restrain your enthusiasm and stop when you want to keep charging on.
Mind or Mood?
When there is a clash between what your mind says, and what your emotions say, who wins the battle - Mind or mood?
If your mind says, "Don't eat that ice cream. It has too many calories".
And your feelings say, "I really like ice cream. Go ahead. Make my day. Treat yourself".
Then, who wins that battle?
Would you follow the words of the mind, or the mood?
Leaders would follow the mind.
Non-leaders would follow their moods.
It is that simple.
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Further Reading in Leadership and Management
What is the Power Interest Matrix?
The Matrix is based on the amount of information and interest all the different stakeholders in a project have, and consequently the correct amount of communication each of these groups should receive. How can this be achieved?
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What is the Leadership Quality that People Overlook?
Rationality is the one leadership skill that is commonly overlooked. Being an effective leader means being able to use deductive and inductive reasoning and logic, and treating all people reasonably.
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People Management Skills
Proper people management is a set of personal skills that combine to allow to inspire the best from every member of the team. Learn more in this article.
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Leadership Training: Six Tips for Success
Follow these six principles and success will be achieveable: Goals, plans, action, feedback, change, persistence. Here are some tips on how to put them into practice.
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Guiding Teams Towards Success
Every leader stands to gain from delving into the philosophies that have moulded our comprehension of the world. Aristotle's notions of the four causes, potentiality, and actuality remain pertinent in contemporary times, offering valuable insights.
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