Seven Ways to Become a Better Leader
Seven ways to become a better leader
To become a better leader, you need to:
- Set out a clear vision for a better future.
- Become 100% committed to that vision.
- Communicate the vision with clarity and certainty.
- Build practical plans capable of achieving the vision.
- Create and sustain an optimistic attitude.
- Work to create a co-operative atmosphere within the team.
- Role model the standards you want to see in others.
1. Set out a clear vision for a better future.
Leaders all have a vision. That is the thing that makes them a leader. If you want to improve your leadership quality, then you need to know to WHERE you want to lead the team. Leadership is about leading people towards a vision.
Your first task it to become clear on your vision for a better future. What is it that you want to achieve? Once you know to what, or to where, you want to lead the team, then you have laid the foundation of your leadership.
2. Become 100% committed to that vision.
You must be 100% committed to the vision. Half-hearted leadership is no good. You need to find in yourself the quality of TOTAL COMMITMENT. Unless you are committed, nobody will follow you. If you display total commitment, you will soon pick up followers.
3. Communicate with clarity and a sense of certainty.
You need to communicate your vision with clarity and certainty. Most great leaders are also terrific communicators. Study English. Study rhetoric. Study grammar. Study famous speeches from the past. Listen to the greats and figure out what they are doing that makes them sound so great. Then, when you think you know the secrets of the great orators, use your knowledge and apply the language of a leader.
4. Build practical plans that seem capable of achieving the vision.
A vision is not a plan. You need to build plans that are capable of achieving the vision. What are the steps that will take you to the vision? You need to be a good planner.
5. Creating and sustaining an optimistic attitude.
On the way to your goal you will suffer setbacks and defeats. It is important to remain positive whilst you plough your way through temporary defeats and setbacks. Leaders are RESILIENT. You need to be resilient and impervious to self-doubt and fear of failure.
6. Work to create a cooperative atmosphere within the team.
Abraham Lincoln said "A house divided against itself cannot stand." Leaders must therefore strive to keep unity within the team. The leader should study the art of conflict management and negotiation. Since you need to maintain a coherent and unified system within the team, leaders should be good team builders.
7. Role model the attributes you want to see in others.
In order to lead, leaders should be role models. If you want to be a leader, you should decide what qualities you want the members of the team to possess and then ROLE MODEL those attributes.
If you want people to be punctual, then you must be punctual.
If you want people to be polite, then you must be polite.
You get the idea.
Leaders are role models.
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Further Reading in Leadership and Management
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