How to Make the Most of your Journey to Work
How to make the most of your journey to work
People have to spend time commuting to and from work, and the travel time represents down time. What is down time?
Definition of Down time: It's time which is occupied with an unavoidable task, one which requires little brain power. As a consequence, down time is often unproductive, wasted time.
Down time includes, travelling to work, waiting for buses, trains and planes, ironing, vacuuming, washing up, mowing the lawn, sitting in traffic congestion etc.
This down time is wasted time; but it does not have to be.
Here are a few suggestions to how to get the best from down time:
- Study a new language.
- Set goals for the future.
- Make plans on how to achieve existing goals.
- Prepare or rehearse for an important event or conversation.
- Review a past event or conversation and figure how you could have handled it better.
- Memorise some important facts.
- Listen to an educational work-related educational programme.
- Rest and relax and enjoy the opportunity to do nothing.
1. Use down time to study a new language.
We live in a multicultural world and language learning is a valuable skill. If you spent half an hour every day learning a foreign language during your down time, that would be a good use of your time. There are plenty of providers of language learning systems which you can use. My favourite language teacher is Michel Thomas, whose programmes are easily available online and in shops.
2. Set goals the future.
Your success depends upon you achieving goals, and the first step to achieving a goal is to set it. Spend your down time thinking about what you want for the future. Where do you want to be a year from now? How do you want to be a year from now?
Set valuable long-range goals for yourself and your loved ones.
3. Make plans on how to achieve existing goals.
You may already have goals and ambitions, but you may NOT have practical plans that will achieve them. You can use your down time to make detailed plans that will transform your goals into reality.
You may have a goal to get into better physical condition. Use your down time to devise a training and diet regime that will give you the body you want.
Remember that a goal without a plan is a fantasy. A goal together with a detailed plan, becomes a powerful tool for progressive change.
4. Prepare or rehearse for an important event or conversation.
You may have an important event or conversation on the horizon.
Use your down time to prepare your mind for the event. Go over the facts that led to the situation, go over the options available and make some decisions about how you will handle the event or conversation.
Remember: Luck favours the prepared mind.
5. To review a past event or conversation and figure how you could have handled it better.
On any particular day, you can think about an important recent event or conversation that did not go as well as you had hoped. You can use your dead time, NOT for beating yourself up over what went wrong, but thinking about what lessons you learned from that bad situation and how you can apply the lesson to similar situations in the future.
You can learn from the past, but only if you ponder its meaning.
Use your down time to ponder the meaning of past events.
6. Memorise some important facts.
It is said that knowledge is power.
You can use your down time to memorise facts that are associated to your work. Memorise the periodic table. Memorise the multiplication table. Memorise the definitions of the law. Memorise the important facts figures and formulas that you should know, but don't.
If you learn more, you'll earn more.
Use your down time to memorise key facts.
7. Listen to an educational programme.
Don't restrict yourself to learning work related things. Learn about the world about you and how it works. Listen to educational podcasts on history, economics, philosophy, geopolitics, psychology and ethics.
Why not? You're not doing anything better during your down time.
8. Rest and relax and enjoy the opportunity to do nothing.
Of course, you could just go back and do nothing. Since everyone needs to rest, maybe a good way to use your down time is to rest.
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Further Reading in Personal Effectiveness
Take Pride in Yourself
Don't confuse pride with arrogance. You can feel good about yourself without being big-headed. Don't let your thoughts become a self-fulfilling prophecy, use self-determination to empower yourself.
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How to Improve Your Life
Do you want to be more successful, productive and healthier? Then you need to adopt the attitude that if you should, you must. This simple rule really is a game changer, but many people follow their whims, rather than logic.
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Don't Reward Yourself with Failure
Celebrate achievements wisely. Opt for value, not calories. Avoid rewards that lead to pitfalls. Choose fulfilling celebrations, not setbacks.
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How to get the best performance from yourself and others.
If we can get other people to give their best performance, then our lives would be easier. But first, we must get the best from ourselves. Here are three ways you can be sure to get the best from yourself and others.
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