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The Rapid Method for Genuine Self-Esteem

The RAPID Method for Genuine Self-Esteem

The RAPID Method for Genuine Self-Esteem

Definition: Self-esteem is a confident feeling that we are able to effectively deal with life's problems and to succeed at the task of living.

Good mental health is based upon achieving genuine self-esteem and we recommend using the RAPID method to achieve this by developing minds that are:

  • Rational
  • Active
  • Purposeful
  • Independent
  • Disciplined.


Rational minds treat all people and problems according to the principles of reason. They think objectively, systematically and creatively. Rational minds identify and organise perceived facts and they evaluate them logically. Consequently, they respond appropriately and more calmly. They have with a deep respect for facts and a high degree of practical common sense.


Active minds are alert, and in full focus. They are aware of the opportunities and threats present in the environment. They are energetic, and fully conscious, so they are more perceptive and efficient.


Purposeful minds are on a mission. They have clear, long range, and valuable goals, which they know will benefit both themselves and others.


Independent minds make decisions based upon their own evaluation of circumstances. They never blindly follow orders from others. Independent minds think for themselves.


Disciplined minds fully commit to the standards which they have set for themselves. They do what they say they will do. They identify their bad habits, (we all have them!) and they work to eradicate them.

Disciplined minds are not easily distracted by interruptions, or feelings of anger, fear or desire. Disciplined minds keep focused on their goals, plans and actions. So, they achieve more, in less time.

Why using the RAPID Method is good for your mental health

The opposite of RAPID destroys self-esteem and leads to poor mental health:

Rational > Irrational: Irrational minds are over-emotional. They are driven by feelings of self-doubt, fears, prejudices and anger. Consequently, their responses are unpredictable and not in harmony with reality.

Active > Inactive: Inactive minds are sluggish, lethargic, and underused. Inactive people choose NOT to exert the necessary effort to focus their mental forces onto solving the problems that face them.

Purposeful > Purposeless: Purposeless minds have drifter mentalities, without ambitions, hopes, desires or goals. With no goals, they are not motivated.

Independent > Dependent: Dependent Minds are incapable of making unaided decisions and lack personal initiative. They need to be continually told what to do.

Disciplined > Undisciplined: Undisciplined Minds do not do what they say they will do. They fall victim to their bad habits which they never challenge.

These negative qualities are the inevitable consequence of failing to achieve the RAPID qualities.

Most people do not know the RAPID method, so it is easy for them to fall into the opposite mode of thinking and consequently they lack self-esteem, suffering with poor mental health.

Free Webinar: The RAPID Method to Genuine Self-esteem

Do not miss our webinar special on Friday 6 May 2022 at 9:30am, to learn the RAPID method of achieving genuine self-esteem and self-confidence and good mental health.

Book your place today!

About the Author: Chris Farmer


Chris Farmer is the founder of the Corporate Coach Group and has many years’ experience in training leaders and managers, in both the public and private sectors, to achieve their organisational goals, especially during tough economic times. He is also well aware of the disciplines and problems associated with running a business.

Over the years, Chris has designed and delivered thousands of training programmes and has coached and motivated many management teams, groups and individuals. His training programmes are both structured and clear, designed to help delegates organise their thinking and, wherever necessary, to improve their techniques and skills.

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Further Reading in Personal Effectiveness

  • Having the Last Word
    Many people have to have the last word in an argument, maybe it makes them feel powerful, or perhaps they just like arguing. By letting them have the last word, you then become the one with the empowerment, indicating that the discussion is closed.
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  • Don't Reward Yourself with Failure
    Celebrate achievements wisely. Opt for value, not calories. Avoid rewards that lead to pitfalls. Choose fulfilling celebrations, not setbacks.
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  • The Power of Personal Initiative
    Personal initiative is a powerful thing, which everyone possesses. By using your initiative you will achieve success. But don't let procrastination get in the way of your personal initiative.
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  • What is self discipline?
    What is self discipline? Self-discipline is the act of mentally overriding your own mood, or momentary desire, and making yourself do what you think you should do, as opposed to doing what you feel like doing. In the sixties and seventies, and even today, Self-Discipline, is not a particularly popular idea...
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  • How to persuade someone to do something
    There will come a time at work or in your personal life, where you will need to persuade someone to do something, in order to achieve a goal. Here are a few simple tactics you can use next time you need to use your powers of persuasion.
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