How to Improve your Life
How to Improve Your Life
If you want to improve your life and become more successful, more productive and healthier, then adopt the following rule:
If you should, you must.
If I should, I MUST.
Which has two meanings:
- If I know I should do something, then I MUST do it.
- If I know I should not do something, then I MUST NOT do it.
Why is this simple rule a Game Changer?
This rule will change your life because there is often a difference between what you know you should do, and what you want to do.
Most people already know what they should do, but they don't want to do it.
- People know they should not overeat, but they like eating, so they overeat.
- People know they should not swear, but they feel like swearing, so they do.
- People know they should prepare in advance, but they don't want to be bothered, so they don't.
You get the idea...
Most people don't do what they know they should do, because they allow their feelings, or their desires, or their passions, or their moods, to get in the way.
Listen to the voice of REASON.
Within each of us, is a little voice.
That little voice is called the Voice of Reason. It is the voice of your intellect. It is the voice of your logical mind. It is the voice of your COMMON SENSE.
Your voice of reason knows exactly what you should do.
We each have that logical, common sense part of our mind, but many people ignore it. They don't listen.
Consequently, they do what they feel like doing; they don't do what common sense would have them do.
The painful consequences of violating the laws of logic.
If you abandon reason and live your life according to "the whim of the moment", then life will become "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short", as the philosopher Thomas Hobbes described the natural state of the typical man (and woman).
The way to avoid this sorry-state is to appoint your rational intellect, not your emotions, as the final arbiter of your actions.
Make your reason rule.
To carry out this policy, all you have to do, is to say to yourself:
"If I should I must, whether I want to or not."
- If I should not speed on the motorway, I MUST NOT SPEED ON THE MOTORWAY.
- If I should not eat that cake, then I MUST NOT EAT THAT CAKE.
- If I should apologise, then I MUST APOLOGISE.
Again, you get the idea.....
This simple rule will change your life.
Try it and see for yourself.....
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Further Reading in Personal Effectiveness
How to persuade someone to do something
There will come a time at work or in your personal life, where you will need to persuade someone to do something, in order to achieve a goal. Here are a few simple tactics you can use next time you need to use your powers of persuasion.
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The RAPID Method for Genuine Self-Esteem
Good mental health is based on achieving genuine self-esteem and self-confidence. The RAPID method helps achieve this by developing rational, active, purposeful, independent and disciplined minds.
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Why Self-Discipline Matters for Success
Self-discipline is vital for success: Achieve goals, manage time, beat procrastination, stay strong, build good habits, grow, and control emotions. Start building it now!
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Four Personal Effectiveness Training Skills
Four Personal effectiveness training skills In order to get the best from yourself and others what are the skills and knowledge you need to develop? There are many skills relating to personal effectiveness. But we will focus on four essential skills. Four essential personal effectiveness skills. There are four major...
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Habit Pattern v Thought Process
We all develop habits. Habits tend to eliminate the need for conscious thought. Which is fine, if all our habits were GOOD habits, but unfortunately they are not all good.
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Looking for Personal Development Training?
If you're looking to develop your Personal Effectiveness Skills, you may find this Personal Development Training Course beneficial:
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