How to Handle Unexpected Events
How to Handle Unexpected Events
When presenting our 2-day leadership and management training, we start the course by asking delegates, "What are the most pressing leadership and management problems?"
Every time, without exception, someone asks, "How can I manage time when my plans are wrecked by unexpected events?"
Adaptation to Change
Recognise that plans will always have to be modified due to changing circumstances. But irrespective of changing circumstances, we must always be good time managers, and the single most important concept in time management is prioritisation.
Focus on One Task
Prioritisation is the single most important skill for time management. One thing at a time. The human mind can only hold one thought at a time, and therefore can only work most efficiently by doing one task at a time. The moment we try to open "multitask," we inevitably have to split our mental energies between two tasks, each task getting 50% or less of the total mental energy available. Whenever you split your attention, you multiply your chances of making mistakes, which will cost you dearly in both money and time.
So, never multitask. Instead, prioritise your tasks and do them in order, focusing on one task at a time.
Methods of Prioritisation
Prioritisation is not a single concept. There are three ways to prioritise tasks:
- Prioritisation by value,
- Prioritisation by deadline pressure, and
- Prioritisation by logical sequence.
Let's look at each one.
1. Prioritisation by Value
The purpose of our organisation is to add value to its customers. Therefore, we must do those things that add the most value first, and the things that add the least value last. Not all jobs are of equal value; they vary. Your task as a time manager is to identify the most valuable task and do it first.
2. Prioritisation by Deadline Pressure
The second quality by which tasks should be judged is deadline pressure. Sometimes tasks must be done immediately; for example, if there is a fire in the office, then the fire must be put out immediately. It is important and urgent to do so. So, tasks with a short deadline should rise up your hierarchy, and tasks with longer deadlines may be temporarily delayed.
3. Prioritisation by Logical Sequence
Sometimes tasks must logically be done before others. We put the washer on before the bolt; we put our socks on before our shoes. We put our pants on before our trousers (usually). So, logical necessity demands that certain tasks have to be done before others, and therefore logic is the third way we can think about prioritisation.
Maintaining a Written Plan
Whenever your plans are being upset by changing circumstances, take 5 to 10 minutes to figure out the next four hours. Always work to a written plan based upon your priorities as judged by their value, deadline pressure, and logical necessity.
Always operate according to a written prioritised list. Every 4 to 6 hours, rewrite the list, and if something unexpected happens, you may have to rewrite it again.
You have a limited time to do an unlimited number of things; so you need to prioritise your day.
We have designed a free Prioritisation App to help you prioritise tasks.
What to Avoid
Avoid doing tasks according to their likeability. Do not do tasks because you like them, and do not avoid tasks because you do not like them. The likeability of a task is not the way to judge whether or not you should prioritise it.
Do not try to multitask. We have already discussed the painful consequences of multitasking. Multitasking is not a true time management concept. It is counterproductive; causes errors, waste, and loss of time.
Do not avoid difficult tasks. It is tempting to avoid difficult tasks because they're difficult. The difficulty of the task is not the way you judge whether or not you should prioritise the task. If it is difficult but it is a priority, then do it anyway.
The Importance of Self-Discipline
Self-discipline is the ability to get yourself to do what you don't want to do. All time managers need self-discipline. If you want to be a good time manager, then get yourself to do what you don't want to do!
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Further Reading in Leadership and Management
How Can We Improve Leadership?
The future success of your organisation depends on the quality of the decisions made by the leadership and the dexterity with which the leaders lead the team.
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How to Handle Unexpected Events
Acknowledge that plans may require adjustments due to changing circumstances. However, regardless of these changes, effective time management is essential. The key principle in time management is prioritisation.
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What is the Leadership Quality that People Overlook?
Rationality is the one leadership skill that is commonly overlooked. Being an effective leader means being able to use deductive and inductive reasoning and logic, and treating all people reasonably.
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What are the Henry Mintzberg managerial roles?
The managerial roles identified by Mintzberg helps managers understand the different aspects of their job, as well as helping with development and recruitment.
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Leadership and management development
Communication skills for leaders and managers Your leadership and management development programme needs to be centered on the six essential leadership management skills, namely the ability: To set and achieve your goals. To communicate clearly...
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