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Communication Mistakes

Communication Mistakes

Communication Mistakes

Here is the list of the most common communication mistakes:

  1. Standing too close.
  2. Talking too much.
  3. Talking without saying anything of value.
  4. Only half listening.
  5. Swearing.

Standing too close.

Everyone has a personal space around them, into which they permit only their closest friends.

If you unnecessarily impose yourself into their personal space, then you annoy and offend the other person.

When in conversation, unless you are good friends or family, maintain a distance of about one arm's length.

Don't invade personal space.

Keep a respectable distance.

Talking too much.

Many people talk too much.

Good conversation means a fair distribution of talking and listening. About 50-50.

But if you really want to be known for being a good conversationalist, then you should let the other person do most of the talking.

Operate on ratios of about 60-40 in the other's favour.

Ask more questions and make fewer assertions.

Talking without saying anything of value.

Many people speak without thinking; they blurt out the first thing that pops into their mind, much of it of no value to anyone.

Everything you say will either;

  1. Add value to others.
  2. Fail to add value to others.
  3. Detract value from others.

Ensure that when you talk, your conversation is geared towards adding value.

Only half listening.

Many people don't listen; they only pretend to listen.

The best way to improve your listening skills is to actively visualise what the other is saying.

If you cannot picture in your mind's eye, what the other is saying, then ask a clarifying question. "When you say that, what do you mean specifically?


Many people swear too often. This is a crude and common mistake.

It reduces the speaker's credibility and it shows a lack respect to the listener.

Nobody wants to hear you swearing.

Your vocabulary is capable of expressing itself without it.

About the Author: Chris Farmer


Chris Farmer is the founder of the Corporate Coach Group and has many years’ experience in training leaders and managers, in both the public and private sectors, to achieve their organisational goals, especially during tough economic times. He is also well aware of the disciplines and problems associated with running a business.

Over the years, Chris has designed and delivered thousands of training programmes and has coached and motivated many management teams, groups and individuals. His training programmes are both structured and clear, designed to help delegates organise their thinking and, wherever necessary, to improve their techniques and skills.

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Further Reading in Communication - Clear Communication

  • Learn to Spot Logical Lies
    Don't let your thoughts and actions be governed by logical fallacies. Some people may use them to mislead you, or as a simple mistake. Learn to identify them so that you can be prepared to spot them.
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  • Six Step Formula for Investigative Interviews
    Managers are often required to conduct interviews to obtain information that may be needed as evidence in court. Therefore it is essential that interviews are professionally conducted.
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  • Six Body Language Tips for Virtual Meetings
    Discover 6 top tips for online body language with expert trainer Chris Farmer. Anyone can learn these simple techniques to get more from Zoom and Teams meetings.
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  • Communication skills - Accurate language
    Communication skills - Accurate language Many people have trouble expressing themselves. They say: "I know what I mean but I can't explain it!" But you need to be able to express yourself with both clarity and accuracy. Here is a rule that will help you to get better results. Clarity is...
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  • Training to Improve Your Communication Skills
    People do make judgements of you, based on your appearance and what you say. In order to give the right impression, try some new ways to improve your communication skills. You will improve your confidence and gain respect in the process.
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