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Operate According to your Plan, Not your Mood

Operate according to your plan, not your mood

Personal Effectiveness Training: Operate According to Your Plan, Not Your Mood

I would like to suggest that we should try to live by the following maxim: Operate according to your plan, not your mood.

If you operate according to your plan, not your mood, then your life will tend to follow the track laid down by your plan; and that would lead you step by step closer to your goals. If you make steps towards your goals you will feel good, since we all feel good when we are making progress.

If you DON'T operate according to your plan; if instead, you operate according to your mood, then your life will tend to follow a chaotic path, since our moods are transient and ever changing.

Your moods are up one day, down the next; you feel energetic one day, tired the next; you feel optimistic one day, anxious the next. Our emotions and moods are affected by so many things like the weather, that they are always in a state of flux and change.

Because your emotions and moods are always in a state of flux and change, they should not be the basis of your action. If action is to be effective action, then it needs to be purposeful, consistent and systematic. And that is just what moods are NOT.

That is why moody people tend not to get such good results. Moody people are inconsistent. If they know they should do something, but they are not in the mood to do it, they don't do it.

  • Moody people say to themselves, "I know I should; I know I could; but I'm not in the mood, so I won't."
  • Moody people say to themselves, "I know I should NOT do that, but I am really in the mood, so I will."
  • Moody people do things merely because they feel like it, whether or not it is a good action.

Don't be a moody person.

Instead: Operate according to your plan, not your mood.

  • If you have a diet plan, eat according to your diet plan, not your mood.
  • If you have a business plan, run your business according to your plan, not your mood.
  • If you have an exercise plan, do your exercises, even on the days you are not really in the mood.

The reason this is good advice is this: Everyone has two parts to their psyche.

  1. A logical, rational part.
  2. An emotional, non-rational part.

The rational part is the part of your psyche that should control the emotional, irrational part. if you act mostly according to the principles of reason, then things will go well for you. If you treat people reasonably, if you solve problems by applying a logical, rational approach; then things will go well for you.

If you don't do that, if instead you are led by the irrational, moody element in your psyche, then things won't go well for you. If you treat people unreasonably, if you try to solve problems by using your gut-feel guesses to pick a winner, then, the chances are you will lose.

Memorise this little ditty:

Don't be governed by guesses.
Don't be moved by moods.
Don't be chaotic in choices.
Don't be faddy with foods.

Be a thoughtful and rational being.
Think things through, logically.
If you do, the results will be thrilling.
And you'll win, spectacularly.

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Personal Development Training

In order to improve your performance, you may need to develop your personal and professional skills: meaning: skills of communication, planning, prioritisation, motivation and personal confidence. If you want to learn more, then click here for personal development training.

About the Author: Chris Farmer


Chris Farmer is the founder of the Corporate Coach Group and has many years’ experience in training leaders and managers, in both the public and private sectors, to achieve their organisational goals, especially during tough economic times. He is also well aware of the disciplines and problems associated with running a business.

Over the years, Chris has designed and delivered thousands of training programmes and has coached and motivated many management teams, groups and individuals. His training programmes are both structured and clear, designed to help delegates organise their thinking and, wherever necessary, to improve their techniques and skills.

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Further Reading in Personal Effectiveness

  • The Memory Palace Technique
    Learn how to create your own memory palace with this practical walkthrough from management training expert Chris Farmer. Improve your memory today!
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  • Do you know when to stop?
    Do you know when it is time to stop arguing? Do you joke at other's expense? Are you inclined to eat or drink too much? Perhaps you are a workaholic. Whatever your weakness, it is important to know when to stop.
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  • Self-Discipline: Mind Over Mood
    Self discipline makes a big difference to your success. Self discipline is the act of placing the power of your mind OVER your mood.
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  • How ARE you doing? What an excellent question
    How are you doing? What an excellent question Last week, my friend greeted me with the question: "Hi, Chris, How are you doing?" The thought struck me "THAT is an important question": "How are you doing?" It is an excellent question I decided to do an experiment and note the various...
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  • How to Stop Worrying
    Many people spend too much valuable time, fretting and worrying over things which have happened; or might happen. Fretting and worrying doesn't change anything other than your emotional state.
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