Interpersonal Communication Skills Training
Interpersonal communication skills training
Interpersonal communication skills training is training designed to improve your ability to gain the cooperative help and understanding of others.
Interpersonal communication skills training is important for some of your people, because some of your people, who are technically proficient, are not proficient at handling other people.
Interpersonal communication skills training is composed of training in:
- Giving criticism, (negative feedback) in a positive way, not in an argumentative or offensive way.
- Creating and sustaining a positive and productive working relationship with others, especially during tough times.
- Delegating tasks to the right people, in the right way.
- Listening with intent to understand and not with intent to argue.
- Persuasion skills.
- The art of formulating and communicating specific goals and inspiring people towards achievement.
Let us look briefly at all of them.
Giving criticism, (negative feedback) in a positive way, not in an argumentative or offensive way
Everyone makes errors. And in addition, not everyone agrees with what you think. Therefore people will not always do what you want them to do.
Therefore you will be in a position where you need to give other people criticism. But there are fundamentally three ways you can give criticism:
In a rational logical and productive manner
In an angry and destructive manner
In an upset manner
Or you may avoid giving criticism and run away from the whole thing.
Here is the truth
You must not run away from conflict.
You must not get angry or upset when in conflict.
You should handle conflict and criticism in a rational, logical and productive manner.
How specifically can you handle conflict and criticism in a rational, logical and productive manner?
Talk about the facts, not your feelings.
Talk about the future, not the past.
Suggest a remedy, rather than allocate the blame.
A good interpersonal communication skills training will cover all these aspects.
Creating and sustaining a positive and productive working relationship with others, especially during tough times.
Whenever two or more people work together, they create an "atmosphere", in which they work.
That atmosphere is either a productive or a non-productive atmosphere.
A non-productive work atmosphere acts as a millstone around the neck of the team.
A productive atmosphere acts as a turbo charger pushing the team on at a faster rate.
A productive atmosphere is a product of the communication skills of the members of the group.
It only takes one person to ruin the atmosphere.
One person can ruin the atmosphere.
Only one person with:
Too much pessimism
Too much anger
Too much joviality
Can ruin the productivity in the team..
Goal focus,
Politeness and respect
Encouragement and mutual support
Will improve the team atmosphere
A good interpersonal communication skills training will cover all these aspects.
Delegating tasks to the right people in the right way
Delegating is the act of allocating a task to another person.
Good delegation is good for the team because it balances the load, uses the talents of the team, and frees people up to do the most important things.
Bad delegation is bad, because it is sometimes used as a punishment, or to demonstrate who is boss.
Good delegation is well timed, specific, achievable and properly motivated.
Good delegation skills form part of a good interpersonal communication skills training.
Listening with intent to understand and not with intent to argue
Some people argue for entertainment.
If you say it is white, he will say that it is black.
If you say it is right, he will say it is wrong.
Some people don't listen. They simply argue.
But since nobody can know it all and since everyone makes errors, then it is important to be able to not always argue. It is important to listen.
Listening is important so that you can;
Learn what is important to the other person; your customer, boss or partner.
Avoid saying the wrong thing.
Learn information that is new to you.
Show respect to the other person.
And to seem like a great conversationalist. (Paradoxically, and interestingly; all great conversationalists don't say very much- instead, they listen more).
A good interpersonal communication skills training will cover all these aspects.
Persuasion skills
Since you cannot use physical force, you must persuade people to do what you want. Money will only get them to work. Then you must persuade them to do what you want them to do, in the way you want them to do it.
Persuasion is not easy
It is not easy because you cannot force a mind.
So you must use your words very carefully.
You must learn to "paint Pictures with words; learn to paint word-pictures.
You must have the person see two "pictures".
Picture one shows all the nice things that will happen if they do X.
Picture two shows what bad things will happen if they do Y.
If you can paint such pictures with words then you can influence people to move towards X.
If you can paint pictures with words then you can influence people to move away from Y.
A good interpersonal communication skills training will cover all these aspects.
Formulate and communicate specific goals and inspire people towards their achievement
Ultimately your task in life is to achieve your goals. Whatever they may be.
If you do achieve your goals, then you are successful.
If you do not achieve your goals, then you are not successful.
In order to achieve goals you must do two things
- Set goals.
- Inspire yourself and others to act to achieve them.
Many people do not set goals
Many people are not inspired to achieve.
So many people have no goal focus and are feeling a little depressed.
We need to:
Set goals: they become our tantalizing visions of the future
Communicate the goals to the others
Inspire ourselves towards our tantalizing visions of the future
Inspire others towards our visions of the future
A good Interpersonal communication skills training will cover all these aspects.
For more information about interpersonal communication skills training visit the Corporate Coach Group website
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Interpersonal communication skills training
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