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How to Improve Memory

How to Improve Memory

How to Improve Memory

To improve your memory the first thing to do is to accept the idea that memory improvement is possible for everyone; including you.

It is possible because your memory is not a fixed attribute, but is rather, an active process.

Many people have the mistaken idea that they have been given a fixed capacity for memory, which has been found always to be rather scanty, and that with age, that limited supply of memory-power inevitably runs down, like a battery, and your capacity to memorise, inevitably, first falters, then fails.

How sad is that?

The happier truth is, that memory is NOT a fixed supply that inevitably runs down. Rather, your memory is a process that has an unlimited potential, provided that you do two things:

  • Use it.
  • Train it.

There is a rule that governs all human processes: the rule is this: Use it, or lose it!

Use your memory or lose it

In nature, whatever you don't use, you lose. If you don't use your arm muscles they shrivel up. If you don't use your legs they shrivel up.

In fact, if there is any part of your anatomy you don't use, then it may shrivel up. (You may have already noticed!)

Same with your intellectual powers. If you don't do maths, your capacity to do maths evaporates.

So the first thing to do, if you want to improve your memory, is to try to memorise things. On purpose.

First exercise for you to practice

When you listen to the next news broadcast, make a supreme and conscious effort to memorise the events listed in the news and the order in which they were given. In a half hour news program there is usually between 8 and 12 items of news.

Second exercise for you to practice

When you next watch a movie, try to memorise the names of all the characters that appear in the movie, as they are introduced. Every character's name that comes up, try to learn it as you hear them.

These two exercises you should do every day. Then you will gain skills at two important things.

  1. Learning facts.
  2. Learning people's names.

But this idea will only work if you work the idea.

Here is part two of the method:

Train your memory by studying memory techniques

Train your brain

Just as there are techniques you can learn to improve your ability to play chess, or mental arithmetic, or scrabble, so there are techniques that you can use to improve your memory power.

These techniques have a name: mnemonics.

Mnemonics are mental techniques that you can learn that will make your memory more productive.

All mnemonics rely on the same principles

There are five principles of mnemonic techniques.

Here they are:

Please notice I have arranged the following five points to spell out the word, R.A.I.S.E.

Raise your memory power by the following RAISE formula.

RAISE means:

  1. Repetition. You need to repeat the information-memory to yourself at least five times.
  2. Association. You need to try to associate the information that you want to learn to something that is already familiar.
  3. Imagination. Memory techniques often rely on the power of your mind to create mental images to make the association. It is said that your imagination is the memory's main motor.
  4. Structure. It is important to put information into logical categories before you try to memorise it. As opposed to having a disordered chaos, your mind works better when things are sorted into similar sets.
  5. Effort. As we have already seen, it takes conscious effort to improve any aspect of your performance. Your memory won't work, if YOU won't work.

If you will agree to train your memory, like you would train an athlete, then your memory will respond to the proper training. Eagerly!


Your memory is NOT a fixed supply that inevitably runs down.

Your memory is a process that has an unlimited potential, provided that you do two things:

  • Use it.
  • Train it.

To use it: make a supreme and conscious effort to memorise the events listed in the news programmes. And try to memorise the names of all the characters that appear in the next movie you watch. Then you will gain skills at two important things; learning facts and learning people's names.

To train your memory: memorise and utilise the RAISE formula.

  1. Repetition.
  2. Association.
  3. Imagination.
  4. Structure.
  5. Effort.

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Personal Development Training

In order to improve your performance, you may need to develop your personal and professional skills: meaning: skills of communication, planning, prioritisation, motivation and personal confidence. If you want to learn more, then click here for personal development training.

About the Author: Chris Farmer


Chris Farmer is the founder of the Corporate Coach Group and has many years’ experience in training leaders and managers, in both the public and private sectors, to achieve their organisational goals, especially during tough economic times. He is also well aware of the disciplines and problems associated with running a business.

Over the years, Chris has designed and delivered thousands of training programmes and has coached and motivated many management teams, groups and individuals. His training programmes are both structured and clear, designed to help delegates organise their thinking and, wherever necessary, to improve their techniques and skills.

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Further Reading in Accelerated Learning

  • Memory Training Techniques & Tips
    Follow these memory training tips to start improving your memory today. Learn from Chris Farmer, experienced leadership & management trainer.
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  • How to master any skill
    We learn new things all the time. But if you want to become a master of that skill, it is not just a question of practice makes perfect, or learning it parrot fashion. There are five stages to mastering a skill and making it yours.
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  • How to Improve Memory
    Memory improvement is possible for everyone - including you - because your memory is not a fixed attribute, but is an active process.
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  • What is accelerated learning?
    Being able to understand, memorise and recall information is vital to everyone, not just students. Improve your memory using these accelerated learning techniques.
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  • Learning and Development Training - Learning Organisations
    Learning and development training. The Learning organisation Let me ask you a question: Is your organisation a Learning organisation? A learning organisation is one that recognises the need for continuous learning and personal development. This need for continuous learning and development is being driven, primarily, by advances in technology. Technological advance...
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