How to Get the Gift of the Gab
How to Get the Gift of the Gab
Would you like to have the gift of the gab?
The gift of the gab is the ability to talk in such a way that grabs the attention and holds the mind of the listener. People who have developed the gift of the gab, usually have an easier life than those who struggle to find the words to properly express themselves.
People who have the gift of the gab, are using learnable techniques that anyone could use in order to make themselves more fluent, influential and informed.
Here is a list of three tips that will give you the gift.
1. Use Visual Words
Visual words are words that create vivid images in the mind.
Remember that everything you say creates, or at least should create, a vivid mental image in the mind of your listener.
If you want to be a more notable speaker, then think in terms of creating more vivid mental images in the minds of your listeners.
Note that there are many ready-made, current expressions that use this technique. For example:
- A shot in the arm.
- A red letter day.
- A leap in the dark.
- A giant step forward.
- A golden opportunity.
You get the idea? These idioms are ready made and will make your speech more colourful. Note: don't overdo it or you will soon sound trite, and especially don't over-do it when writing.
But if you do use these visual words a little more often, in your daily speech, then they will give your message more verbal impact.
2. Alliteration
Alliteration is the technique of using words that share the same first letters. Examples of alliteration are:
- Busy as a bee.
- Dead as a doornail.
- See you later alligator.
- Ride roughshod.
- Pleased as punch.
- Good as gold.
- Right as rain.
- Method to my madness.
If you use alliteration, then your speech will appear more appealing and sound more seductive.
3. Rule of Three
The rule of three takes account of the fact that most minds like short lists of three elements.
Speech writers make use of this fact by setting out ideas in short lists of three.
Here are some examples:
- "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness".
- "Government of the people, by the people, for the people".
- "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics".
- "Sex, drugs and rock-n-roll".
- "I came, I saw, I conquered".
- "Friends, Romans, Countrymen.
- "Blood, sweat and tears".
- "Our priorities are Education, Education, and Education." - Ex Prime Minister, Tony Blair.
You get the idea?
Use short lists of three, alliteration and visual words.
You will amaze, amuse and entertain your friends, with your new found flair and verbal virtuosity: you'll be glad you developed, the gift of the gab.
Picture credit: Brent Danley (Creative Commons: BY-NC-SA 2.0)
Once you've mastered these, try and master these 70 effective communication skills.
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