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How to be More Efficient

How to be More Efficient

How to be More Efficient

To be more efficient, you should:

  1. Develop a strong sense of "goal focus".
  2. Do only those things that contribute to the achievement of your goal.
  3. Avoid doing anything that does NOT contribute to the achievement of your goal.
  4. Prioritise your tasks properly.
  5. Don't multi-task. Instead, focus and concentrate on the task at hand.
  6. Delegate as much work as is possible.
  7. Take regular breaks to refresh and replenish the mind and body.
  8. Keep good order. Don't be a messy worker.
  9. Automatise and systematise your work.

Let us say a few words on each.

1. Develop a strong sense of goal focus.

Efficient action presupposes the concept of GOAL. Because efficient action means, "efficiently achieve a goal".

The biggest inefficiency is to be unclear on WHAT it is that you are trying to achieve. Many people waste time doing things that do not contribute to their goal, simply because they have not spent sufficient time thinking about the answer to this all-important question:

"WHAT are you trying to achieve?"

2. Do only those things that contribute to the achievement of your goal.

Now you know your goal, do only those things that relate to the goal. Don't do things that don't relate to the goal. And especially don't do things that are counterproductive to your goal.

Many people suffer because they take one step forward and two steps back.

Make sure every step you take is in the direction of your dreams.

3. Refuse to do those things that do NOT contribute to the achievement of your goal.

See above notes.

4. Prioritise tasks do that you do the most valuable things first.

To achieve your goal, there may be a thousand things that you need to do; But you cannot do them all simultaneously, so you need to prioritise. Prioritisation is the act of putting things into the right order.

Do things in priority order.

Don't do things in order of likeability, or ease, or by random chance.

Think it through logically; do things in the right order.

5. Don't multi-task. Instead, focus and concentrate on the task at hand.

Multi-tasking is the error of trying to do multiple tasks at the same time.

Multi-tasking is FAKE NEWS.

This is a big mistake. If you are driving the car, DON'T text people at the same time.

Instead, focus your mind on the task at hand.

You will get more done in less time if you focus your mind onto a single point.

6. Delegate as much work as is possible.

Because you cannot do everything simultaneously, you need to delegate tasks to other people. Get all the help you can. Utilise the help that is available. Don't think that you can, or should do it, all yourself.

Time is a limited resource, and there is an unlimited demand on your time.

You cannot do it all, so you need to delegate.

7. Take regular breaks to refresh and replenish the mind and body.

Take frequent breaks to allow for recuperation. Recuperation is an often-neglected facet of peak performance.

You have only so much energy, enthusiasm and motivation.

The formula to remember is "Stimulus, response. Stimulus, response. Stimulus, response."

The formula is not, "Stimulus; stimulus; stimulus; stimulus..."

You need to give yourself time to rest, recuperate and allow your body to repair itself. Only by keeping yourself refreshed and replenished, will you succeed.

8. Keep good order. Don't be a messy worker.

Efficient action is ordered action. Disorder, messy, unsystematic action is inefficient and usually fails to achieve the goal.

Do not be fooled by the current trend to idealise chaos. Chaotic action is not efficient.

You would not want to board an aircraft whose cabin crew were in a state of chaos. You only want to board an aeroplane whose cabin crew seem to be ordered, systematic and controlled.

Think of your work as being likened to the flying of an aircraft, where everything is measured, systematised, well ordered and controlled.

9. To the degree that is possible, automatise your work.

Use automatised systems whenever possible. If you can use an automated system to do any aspect of your work, then use it.

Machines make life easier, because machines don't forget to do things, they don't get tired, and they are often more reliable.

Everyone has access to many applications on their phone that will allow them to automatise and systematise many aspects of their performance.

Take advantage of technology.

The difference between you and a cave man is NOT more brains, but more technology. Don't be a primitive cave man (or woman). Use technology to the best degree possible.

Get the machines on your side. Become more efficient and effective.

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Personal Development Training

In order to improve your performance, you may need to develop your personal and professional skills: meaning: skills of communication, planning, prioritisation, motivation and personal confidence. If you want to learn more, then click here for personal development training.

About the Author: Chris Farmer


Chris Farmer is the founder of the Corporate Coach Group and has many years’ experience in training leaders and managers, in both the public and private sectors, to achieve their organisational goals, especially during tough economic times. He is also well aware of the disciplines and problems associated with running a business.

Over the years, Chris has designed and delivered thousands of training programmes and has coached and motivated many management teams, groups and individuals. His training programmes are both structured and clear, designed to help delegates organise their thinking and, wherever necessary, to improve their techniques and skills.

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Further Reading in Personal Effectiveness

  • How to think straight
    Thinking straight is the ability to analyse and interpret the facts, in a rational and logical way. Training yourself to think straight, will help you avoid jumping to incorrect conclusions, and keep your head while all about you are losing theirs.
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  • Habit Pattern v Thought Process
    We all develop habits. Habits tend to eliminate the need for conscious thought. Which is fine, if all our habits were GOOD habits, but unfortunately they are not all good.
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  • How to Handle Distractions
    Do you have to suffer people constantly distracting you? Or perhaps your mind just wanders off from the task in hand? Here is our guide to how to avoid being distracted and get things finished.
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  • The Single Best Way to Improve Your Brain Power
    Do you have trouble remembering facts and figures? Do you find that you have trouble concentrating on what others are saying? Here is a great way to improve your brain power and your active listening skills.
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  • How ARE you doing? What an excellent question
    How are you doing? What an excellent question Last week, my friend greeted me with the question: "Hi, Chris, How are you doing?" The thought struck me "THAT is an important question": "How are you doing?" It is an excellent question I decided to do an experiment and note the various...
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