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Five Common Management Mistakes

Five Common Management Mistakes

Five Common Management Mistakes

Here are five of most common management mistakes:

  1. Failure to set a goal.
  2. Failure to prioritise correctly.
  3. Not delegating properly.
  4. Failure to communicate correctly.
  5. Poor performance management skills.

1. Failure to set and communicate the goal.

The team exists to achieve its business objectives. Therefore, the ability to set and communicate the goal is the primary task of any manager.

Always clearly state and define the goal to be achieved and why it is important.

2. Failure to prioritise correctly.

All goals need a plan capable of achieving it. Failure to set priorities can lead to missed deadlines and unhappy customers.

Therefore, managers need the ability to prioritise tasks in order of their importance, in relation to the goals of the business.

Any task that relates directly to the achievement of the goal, must take priority over tasks which do not relate to the goal. Managers must be effective time managers.

3. Not delegating properly.

Some managers fail to delegate and try to do everything themselves.

All plans contain multiple elements and every element must be allocated to individuals within the team, who can best achieve them.

Therefore, delegation of the right task to the right person, is a vital skill the manager must master.

4. Failure to communicate correctly.

Many managers have poor rapport skills, or they speak to people badly and without sufficient respect.

The tasks required to achieve the goal, will need to be carried out by people at all levels. Therefore, managers must be able to communicate with different members of the team, in a manner that suggests a high degree of respect and positive intent.

Remember that you cannot demand respect from others. They will only give you respect to the degree to which they think you have earned it. You can most easily earn respect by giving it away to others.

5. Poor performance management skills.

The failure to deal with poor performance issues and conflicts properly, is another mistake many managers make.

Some people fail to do what they are expected to do, and therefore a conflict exists between the worker and the manager. The manager must handle this conflict expertly and resolve the issue in such a manner that the relationship remains positive.

Management Training

Correct training will help managers improve their management skills and avoid these common management mistakes.

Effective conflict management and performance management are crucial skills that must be mastered by all managers.

"A house divided amongst itself, cannot stand." Abraham Lincoln

About the Author: Chris Farmer


Chris Farmer is the founder of the Corporate Coach Group and has many years’ experience in training leaders and managers, in both the public and private sectors, to achieve their organisational goals, especially during tough economic times. He is also well aware of the disciplines and problems associated with running a business.

Over the years, Chris has designed and delivered thousands of training programmes and has coached and motivated many management teams, groups and individuals. His training programmes are both structured and clear, designed to help delegates organise their thinking and, wherever necessary, to improve their techniques and skills.

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Further Reading in Leadership and Management

  • What Qualities do Leaders Need?
    A clear vision, superb communication skills and decisiveness are just some of the qualities a leader needs. Do you have the personal attributes required to be a leader? Take our quiz to find out.
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  • Leadership qualities
    Leadership Qualities All organisations need leaders. Leaders are able to inspire others to cooperate together, to give their best performance, in order to achieve a valuable goal or objective. Obviously, successful leaders are people who other people will willingly follow. A leader with no followers is a sad sight to behold...
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  • What are the Five Forms of Power?
    Leaders must have the ability to influence others. They can do this by both positive and harmful forms of power. We examine the different forms of power and the results that might be obtained by leaders.
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  • Creating More Motivation
    We only have a certain amount of motivation. So knowing how to create more motivation, when you need it most, is important knowledge.
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  • How to be Respected at Work
    Respect is something you have to earn. Consciously set about creating the right emotional conditions for you to earn people's respect.
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