Eight Part Success Strategy
Eight Part Success Strategy
Success is not an event.
Success is a process.
The process of being successful may best be understood by looking at this diagram.
If you study it carefully you will see it consists of eight main ideas.
1. You need to decide the goal, purpose or vision, the achievement of which would constitute success, in your mind. This may be anything from "Earn a million pounds" to "Find peace of mind".
2. You need to formulate a detailed written plan that you think may be capable of achieving this goal.
3. You need to implement the plan in an organised and intelligent manner.
4. You need to listen out and observe the POSITIVE feedback results your current actions are producing.
5. You need to observe and measure the NEGATIVE feedback results your current actions are producing.
6. You need to analyse your negative feedback and think of ways to improve and adapt your plan, in order to improve the feedback results your actions are creating.
7. You need to analyse what is going well and see if you could improve it, and make it even better.
8. You need to keep repeating the process until you achieve your original goal, and then you should set a new, higher level, goal.
Using the formula to inspire others.
This model suggests eight leadership questions that need to be continually asked by you and answered by your team.
1. What is the vision, the goal, the purpose of this organisation?
2. How detailed are our plans which are designed to help us achieve our purpose?
3. How are we currently organised to effectively implement our plan?
4. By what means are we measuring our feedback results?
5. What positive feedback are we currently getting from our stakeholders?
6. What negative feedback are we currently getting from our stakeholders?
7. In relation to the negative feedback, what adaptive changes do we need to make to our current plan of action, that will get us back on track and take us to our goals?
8. In relation to positive feedback, what further adaptive changes might we consider in pursuit of continuous improvement?
Memorise and ask these questions to your team and expect good answers in return.
By doing this every day, you will cause them to be more successful, and that would be good for everyone.
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Further Reading in Leadership and Management
Five Common Management Mistakes
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What is the difference between a leader and a manager
Learn the difference between leaders and managers, and how to improve your leadership and management skills. Read more online today.
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