Established, since 1997, leading UK based training provider.
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Performance Management Training

Online Performance Management Training - 1 Day Live Webinar

We all need to manage the performance of others; either rectifying poor performance, or improving upon an already good performance. Most people do not like having their performance “managed” by others, and many people resist change.

So, performance managers need to develop a set of specific communication skills, under the general headings of: clarity, goal setting, feedback, motivation, and change management.

On this live, online Performance Management Course, managers will learn all the skills they need successfully manage the performance of their team.

The next Live Instructor-led Webinar, is starting in: Register Now
Also available as face-to-face training: Open Course or In - House

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Performance Management Training Availability, Pricing and Course Dates

If you have any questions, please phone us (020 3856 3037) or send us a message.

Live Online Virtual Training

£350+VAT per delegate
  • Live Online Performance Management Virtual Training delivered via Zoom or Microsoft Teams
  • Easy to join - all you need is a laptop or tablet with a Webcam
  • Learn the same skills as a face-to-face session, but from the comfort of your own home (or office!)

Open Course (Face-to-Face)

£500+VAT per delegate
(Early Bird Offers Available)
  • Delivered at venues around the UK
  • Open Course Timings are: 9am - 4.30pm
  • If you arrive earlier than 9am, there is coffee / tea waiting for you.

Bespoke Training (In-House or Live Online)

£2,250+VAT per training day
(International Price Varies)

In-House training has been designed to provide a similar experience to our open courses, however we can tailor the content to fit your specific needs.

Plus, travel and hotel accommodation for trainer if needed (Premier Inn type: not the Hilton!)

We are able to train in your timezone.

All our training includes:

  • A full day of quality training, delivered by an experienced trainer
  • Total of 6 CPD training hours (9am - 4.30pm), plus an additional 2-3 via post-course online independent learning.
  • Full digital interactive course notes
  • Training certificate
  • Access to additional free training material after the course via our post-course portal
  • 3 months free telephone coaching: Whilst you are implementing what you have learned, if you need to, you can contact us for support and guidance

Live Online Performance Management Virtual Training

Performance management is one of the key roles of every manager. Performance management means encouraging people who are already performing well, to take their performance to an even higher level. It also means, encouraging under-performers to improve their current poor performance up to the proper standard - this is a particularly difficult message for most managers to communicate well.

Since most people do not like to by criticised, performance management therefore requires excellent communication skills.

Managers need to learn a specific set of skills, based around clear communication, feedback, goal setting, motivation and change management.

This online course teaches you the key communication skills that will result in others agreeing to rectify their errors and improve their performance.

The next live online training session starts in: Register Now

Contact Us Today

If you want to know more about this course, or any other Management Training Courses, or their suitability for you or a colleague, call us on 020 3856 3037 or make an enquiry online.

Customer Reviews

4.9/5 Our Performance Management Course is rated based on 570 reviews. More Customer Reviews >
I was very impressed with how the technology worked. The ability to see Chris whilst he was presenting and the interactive drawings were really engaging, particularly compared to the share-screen PowerPoint presentations just with someone talking over them that I have experienced in the past.
The course content was excellent content, very apt and eye opening. The information provided will prove exceptionally useful, as it identified several areas where I can improve. The trainer's presentation was very good and kept the sessions inte... [Read More]

Online Performance Management Training Course Overview

This course is delivered via either by Zoom or Microsoft Teams. The session starts at 9am, with breaks at 11am, 1pm and 3pm. We finish at 4.30pm.

The ability to manage the performance of others relies upon: Clarity, goal setting, feedback, motivation, and change management. During the day, we take each one in turn:

Goal setting means, making measurable progress in reasonable time. You will learn how to set clear goals, and how to build plans for their achievement.

Clarity means, accurate language. We show you how to improve the accuracy of your language.

Feedback means, giving an accurate report on the results of a person's latest performance. We discuss what feedback is, why it is important and how to use it. You will learn a specific model that will ensure your feedback is perceived as helpful guidance rather than unfair criticism.

Motivation means, inspiring the person to improve upon good performance and or rectifying errors.

Change means, implementing an evolutionary approach to change; incremental improvements over time. You will learn how to gain their willing cooperation to make changes in their performance and the power of positive motivators.

You will have opportunities to practice your new skills.

After the training you will feel proficient in the skills of performance management, you will feel inspired and will want to use these skills to help yourself and others.

Learning Outcomes:

  • To correctly manage poor performance issues
  • Avoid creating negative emotions, keep to the positive emotions
  • To set and agree clear, specific goals
  • Criticise performance, without criticising their personality
  • Get their commitment to a higher standard of performance
  • Distinguish reasons from excuses
  • To inspire and motivate others

Register for an Online Training Session

We offer online training webinars via Zoom and Microsoft Teams, please choose one of the sessions below to start your registration process:

1 full day training (9am - 4.30pm - UK time - Convert) - only £350+VAT per delegate

Date Platform Cost Availability


24 February 2025Online via Teams£350 +VAT£350 +VAT


26 March 2025Online via Teams£350 +VAT£350 +VAT


28 April 2025Online via Teams£310 +VAT£310 +VAT


2 June 2025Online via Teams£310 +VAT£310 +VAT


8 July 2025Online via Teams£310 +VAT£310 +VAT


15 September 2025Online via Teams£310 +VAT£310 +VAT


27 October 2025Online via Teams£310 +VAT£310 +VAT

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