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Memory Training and Creative Problem Solving

Memory Training and Creative Problem Solving Course - 1 Day

Memory Training is designed to help you remember names, facts and figures. Improve your memory with special memory and recall techniques.

Solve problems using your logical mind and your creativity. Develop your problem-solving abilities with proven problem-solving methods.

Improve your chances of success with this memory training and problem-solving course.

Available as an In-House Course

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Memory and Creative Problem Solving Training Availability, Pricing and Course Dates

If you have any questions, please phone us (020 3856 3037) or send us a message.

Bespoke Training (In-House or Live Online)

£2,250+VAT per training day
(International Price Varies)

In-House training has been designed to provide a similar experience to our open courses, however we can tailor the content to fit your specific needs.

Plus, travel and hotel accommodation for trainer if needed (Premier Inn type: not the Hilton!)

We are able to train in your timezone.

All our training includes:

  • A full day of quality training, delivered by an experienced trainer
  • Total of 6 CPD training hours (9.30am - 3.30pm), plus an additional 2-3 via post-course online independent learning.
  • Full digital interactive course notes
  • Training certificate
  • Access to additional free training material after the course via our post-course portal
  • 3 months free telephone coaching: Whilst you are implementing what you have learned, if you need to, you can contact us for support and guidance

What is Memory Training and Creative Problem Solving Training?

Do you have problems with your memory? Every day we are surrounded by facts, figures, names and numbers and we need to remember them.

The problem is, most people have never trained their memory. As a result, most people can only remember about five to seven items at a time. And within seconds of being introduced, people forget the names of people they meet.

People with a great memory usually have a trained memory. They are using special memory and recall systems. These systems have the effect of increasing your memory capacity from being able to recall seven items on a list, to up to 100 items and beyond.

Contact Us Today

If you want to know more about this course, or any other Management Training Courses, or their suitability for you or a colleague, call us on 020 3856 3037 or make an enquiry online.

Customer Reviews

4.9/5 Our Memory and Creative Problem Solving Course is rated based on 570 reviews. More Customer Reviews >
I thought the course was well structured and thought out. It gave me good practices that I can take back and implement at work and some ideas to improve my own personal habits. The trainer was clear, concise and friendly. Sometimes courses are d... [Read More]
Although I was cynical prior to the course, I found the course very rewarding and informative. An interesting two days, of great value. The trainer's presentation was exceptionally good.

Memory Training and Creative Problem Solving Course Overview

In the morning we focus on developing memory and recall skills.

We live in the information age and everyone would benefit from improved recall. To improve recall, we teach a memory method, called RAISE.

R = Repetition. To remember anything, we must repeat it in a process called, staged repetition.
A = Association. Memory training is based on mentally associating one thing to the next thing.
I = Imagination. The association is formed in the imagination, so as to make an unbreakable link, between one thing and the next. (The word to its definition, the name to the face, the product to its price, the event to its date, the cause to its effect, the symptom to its disease etc).
S = Structure. To be understood, information must be well structured. We impose order on chaos.

You will have lots of opportunity to learn, combine and practice these memory techniques.

In the afternoon we turn our focus to creative problem solving.

Our tools for problem solving are mental mapping and decision matrix.

Mental mapping is a way of analysing any topic into its component parts and revealing the structure that is inherent in it. When you understand the structure of the problem, then you have a good chance of finding solutions.

The decision matrix is a way of making difficult decisions, by organising them into six types:

  1. What is the most valuable?
  2. What is the best way?
  3. Yes or no?
  4. If yes, which one, what kind?
  5. Problem, cause, solution?
  6. Problem, implications, countermeasures?

When you have finished this course, you will feel better equipped to deal with life.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Improve your memory by learning the rapid recall memory techniques
  • Expand your ability to remember facts, stats, names and numbers
  • Remember more of what they said
  • Remember more of what you have read
  • Solve problems using your logical mind
  • Solve problems using your creative mind
  • Solve problems by using other people brains

Memory Training and Creative Problem Solving Course Details

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Morning Session

Afternoon Session

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