Three Major Keys to Leadership
There are many leadership skills. But they can all be subsumed into three major sets. I call these the Three Major Keys to Leadership.
If you have these three major keys, they will open the door to all the success you want as a leader.
The three major keys are:
- Clarity.
- Rationality.
- Positivity.
Please, look at this diagram:
Learn this affirmation and repeat it to yourself every day.
"To be a better leader, I will strive to be CLEAR in my thought and in my language: RATIONAL in all my actions: And as POSITIVE, as I can be".
Let us examine each of these elements of leadership.
Strive to be clear in your thought.
Clear thinking is the primary quality of leadership.
Clear thinking means: Goal focused thinking. You think consistently about your goals for a better future.
Accurate thinking. Your thinking is capable of correctly identifying the facts. You don't guess. You don't make unwarranted assumptions.
Logical thinking: Your thinking integrates facts and comes to correct conclusions. You don't prejudge. You think logically about chains of cause and effect.
Strive to be clear in your language.
"Your speech is specific, numerical and defined" means you use specific terms in preference over general terms. (For instance, you might say, "Tomorrow morning, I'm taking the train to London Paddington" rather than, "Tomorrow I am going to London".)
"Your speech is Numerical" means: You ask for or give the NUMBERS, whenever possible. For example, rather than saying, "Would you stop and get some milk on the way home". You might say, "Would you please stop and get two pints of semi skimmed milk, on the way home".
"Your speech is defined", means: Every major term has a definition, that does not change over time. For example, the terms: "Productivity", "Fairness", and "Appropriate dress", needs to be defined. Many terms you use, need to be defined, so that everyone interprets your words the way you intended.
Strive to be rational in your actions.
"Rational in your actions", means: Treating all people and all problems according to the principles of reason.
"Treating people reasonably" means; never violating the rights of others; always treating people with politeness, even during conflict situations, and tough times.
"Treating problems according to the principles of reason" means analysing the causes of events and figuring out "rational plans of action" that will lead to the achievement of your goals.
Strive to be emotionally positive.
This means that, within reason, you should strive to be as optimistic about the future; and as confident in yourself; as you can honestly justify.
"Being positive" means that you should put limits on your fear. Some people tend to fear and worry too much. Some worry is good for you: it keeps you safe. But too much worry and fear are toxic to the mind and they negatively affect your chances of success.
"Being positive" means that you should put limits on your anger. Some anger may be good, since anger can motivate you into action. But too much anger will cloud your judgement and make you impossible to work with.
"Being positive" means: Put limits on your self-doubt. If you think you can't, you don't. If you think you can, you will at least try.
So, it pays to believe you ARE able to achieve your goals. Too many self-doubts will cost you too much.
Think positive thoughts about yourself.
This is the foundation of leadership.
Look at the diagram and think about its meaning:
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Further Reading in Leadership and Management
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