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The Four Causes of All your Problems

The Four Causes of all Your Problems

The Four Causes of all Your Problems

There are four major causes of all your problems, they are:

  1. Yourself.
  2. Other people.
  3. The "system".
  4. Mother nature.

Let us say a few words on each.

1. Yourself as the cause of your problems.

Is it true that YOU could be the source of some of your problems?

Yes. We all have bad habits that cause us to mess-up, these bad habits could be:

  • poor nutritional habits,
  • poor speech habits,
  • poor time-keeping habits,
  • poor sleep habits,
  • poor work habits.
  • poor thinking habits.

These habits can be the cause of many of the problems we experience.

The interesting thing about bad habits, is that they seem to be invisible to the person possessing them. Many people don't recognise their bad habits. They are oblivious.

If they do recognise their own bad habits, many people try to defend them, rather than try to change them.

Many people who keep their bad habits, try to blame their problems on other people.

2. Other people.

Is it true that other people could be the source of your problems?

Yes. Other people's errors, omissions and bad habits can cause you problems. You need to know how to manage problems caused by other people.

However, it is a sad fact that, other people don't accept responsibly for the problem: They like to blame, "the system".

3. The system.

Is it true that the system; or "system failure" can be the cause of your problem?

Yes. So, you need to know how to "fix the broken system".

At a more profound level, the problem is not the fault of the system, but rather, it is caused by the actions of Mother nature.

4. Mother nature as the cause of your problems.

Mother nature is not always benevolent. Sometimes mother nature is the cause of serious problems. Nature includes, viruses, bacterial infections, snakes, storms, floods and droughts. Mother nature can be dangerous; she can be the cause of your problems.

You need to know how to deal with natural disasters.

Problem solving SOS.

Of the above list of four causes, we can act effectively against the first three. We cannot do too much to stop the laws of nature.

But we can work to improve ourselves, other people and "the system".

This creates the concept of Problems Solver SOS.

S = self

O = others

S = systems

Here is the rule to remember:

"I will work to improve the performance of, myself, the others, and the system."

About the Author: Chris Farmer


Chris Farmer is the founder of the Corporate Coach Group and has many years’ experience in training leaders and managers, in both the public and private sectors, to achieve their organisational goals, especially during tough economic times. He is also well aware of the disciplines and problems associated with running a business.

Over the years, Chris has designed and delivered thousands of training programmes and has coached and motivated many management teams, groups and individuals. His training programmes are both structured and clear, designed to help delegates organise their thinking and, wherever necessary, to improve their techniques and skills.

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Further Reading in Decision Making and Problem Solving

  • The Four Causes of all Your Problems
    There are four main causes of all your problems. Find out the major causes of all problems and learn how to find the right solution to those you can fix.
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  • Be a Straight Thinker
    Being able to think straight is an asset in life. We know this means making rational decisions, but what exactly does that mean in reality? You need to learn to be a critical thinker and here are four things to remember to get your thinking straight.
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  • Key Steps to Better Decisions
    Better decisions shape our lives, impacting careers, relationships, and happiness. Here are key principles to guide decision-making and steer towards success.
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  • Effective Decision Making
    Effective decision making is essential, but it can be challenging when the situation is complex. Learn how to simplify the process and make better choices. Free apps available to help you.
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  • The Law of Diminishing Returns
    More is not necessarily better. There is a point which is optimum. After this point comes diminishing returns, where additional amounts of time, money and effort are ineffective and may even be dangerous.
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