Supervisor Training
Supervisor Training
Training for Supervisors should cover the following skills:
- How to set and properly communicate clear, specific goals.
- How to earn (not demand) respect from the team.
- Prioritise and plan work into a logical order.
- How to delegate tasks to the right person.
- Manage performance issues and give constructive feedback.
- Self-management: self-control, self-confidence, self-motivation.
- Inspire others: Motivate the team.
Supervisor training should contain the above-mentioned skills.
1. How to set and properly communicate clear, specific goals.
The team exists to achieve its goals. Each person must know and understand what the goals are and they should understand how their task fits-in to the big picture. It is the supervisor's role to communicate this information to the team.
Supervisor training should include communication and goal-setting skills, in order to fulfil this important role.
2. How to earn (not demand) respect.
The supervisor should act as a role model to the rest of the team. The supervisor should demonstrate the standards that are expected from every member of the team. The supervisor must earn respect by exemplifying good work habits. Only by practising good work habits, can the supervisor earn respect. The supervisor should never demand respect, since respect can never be obtained by demand.
Therefore, supervisor training should include instruction on how to be a positive role model and EARN respect by treating people with respect.
3. Prioritise and plan work into a logical order.
Every goal needs a plan capable of achieving it. The supervisor must therefore be able to build plans capable of achieving the goals that have been set.
Planning means advance preparation. Planning also means prioritising and setting tasks into their most efficient order.
Therefore, a supervisor must be trained to think logically and organise work into its most efficient order.
4. How to delegate tasks.
Delegation is one of the most important skills of the supervisory manager. Delegation is the skill of entrusting the right task to the right person.
Once the order of tasks is decided, the tasks must be delegated to the right person, at the right time, in the right way.
Therefore, supervisor training should include specific instruction on how to master the art of effective delegation.
5. Manage performance issues and give constructive feedback.
People do not always follow the plan, nor do what is required. This means that conflict situations are inevitable. Therefore, the supervisor must be able to effectively deal with conflict situations.
The supervisor must NOT allow conflict behaviours to go unchallenged. Nor allow the conflict situation to degenerate into an emotional crisis. Supervisors must learn how to deal with conflict situations professionally, and according to proper principles.
Supervisor training should therefore include instruction on how to deal with conflict situations and poor behaviour.
6. Self-management: self-control, self-confidence, self-motivation.
In order to supervise others, one must first know how to manage oneself. If you cannot control yourself, then you will not be able to control circumstances or other people. therefore, the supervisor must learn how to master themselves.
Self-mastery means many things: self-motivation, self-awareness, self-control, self-discipline, self-esteem, self-confidence.
Supervisor training should cover these aspects.
7. Inspire others: Motivate the team.
If you can master yourself, then you have the potential to lead other people. The role of the supervisor ultimately is to manage the behaviour and emotional state of other people.
That can be done by applying the other six principles listed above. Motivation of the team is done by:
- Setting worthwhile goals.
- Communicating effectively.
- Acting as a positive role model.
- Planning and organising tasks effectively.
- Managing poor behaviour and conflict in the team.
- Managing your own emotions and creating a positive atmosphere.
Instruction on how to motivate others should be an important part of supervisor training.
If you are interested in Supervisor training which covers all the above points, please check out our Supervisor Training Course.
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Further Reading in Supervisory Management Skills
Communication Skills for Supervisors
For your organisation to succeed, your Supervisors need to be proficient in communicating with the people in their teams.
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Supervisor skills training
Supervisor skills training The supervisor has a difficult role. They are under pressure from all sides: From the more senior managers From the customers From the other team members The supervisor is often promoted internally, from within the organisation, and may even be "managing his mates": which is very difficult. Your...
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What Skills do I Need as a Supervisor?
Supervisors have an important place in your organisation. In order for them to be successful in their role, you need to empower them with our practical Supervisory Skills Training Course.
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Supervisor Training
Team Supervisors need to be equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to be an effective and well-respected team leader. Supervisory skills training courses need to cover all the topics that will be of benefit to your supervisors.
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Looking for Supervisor Management Skills Training?
If you're looking to develop your Supervisory Management Skills, you may find this Supervisor Management Skills Training Course beneficial:
Open Training Course Pricing and Availability
Next Open Course Starts in 11 days, Birmingham, places available