How to Make the Impossible, Possible
How to make the impossible, possible
Here is an interesting fact: People will only attempt what they think is possible.
Therefore, a person's results are constrained by the limits of their thoughts.
Your level of achievement is shaped by your dominant thoughts.
If you think you'll lose, you're lost.
You've got to think high, to rise.
You've got to think well of yourself, before you can ever win a prize.
Top prizes don't always go to the smartest woman or man,
But sooner or later, the ones that win, are those who think they can.
Here is the rule to remember:
Thoughts affect feelings, feelings affect actions and actions create results.
The principle idea that "thought affects the final outcome" has been well-documented, and is a part of our everyday, common experience.
The idea that "thought affects final outcome" is often called, "the self-fulfilling prophecy" and is the principle that explains the placebo effect.
The placebo effect is when patients are prescribed an inert agent, but they are told and they believe, that they are receiving a therapeutic agent; then, to the degree to which they believe the agent will help, their reported results are consistent with that belief.
The placebo effect has been measured in thousands of medical experiments, and many doctors admit to regularly prescribing placebos.
Leaders can act as Placebo Agents, thus making the "impossible", possible.
One of your roles as a leader, is to change the final result, by affecting the thoughts of others.
Leaders affect the minds of their followers, in a similar way to how a placebo, affects the minds of patients. They affect minds, by introducing new ideas and visions of a better future. These new ideas (thoughts), change the way that people process information and therefore how they react to their environment.
Leaders, influence the minds of followers, in order to produce positive beliefs, systems and thus change actions, that change results.
If a leader can change the actions of the majority, then the leader can change the course of progress.
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Further Reading in Leadership and Management
Leadership Training Skills: The Magnificent Seven Questions
There is no such thing as a "Natural born leader". Leadership skills are SKILLS. They are very easily learnt.
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How to Successfully Manage Uncertainty
Our professional and personal lives have changed hugely over the past year, bringing uncertainty and causing many people to lose confidence and become anxious. Learn how we regain certainty, increase confidence and improve productivity.
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How to Manage Hybrid Working
Hybrid working is the latest trend for office workers. How can organisations decide if it will work for them and their employees and how best can it be managed?
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Management Training Skills
Management Training Skills The role of manager is difficult to fill: Not only must you possess technical knowledge, consistent with the product and service that your organisation offers, but also you need to have additional personal skills relating to: The proper organisation of work, together with The ability to inspire the...
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What are the Three Most Important Leadership Qualities?
The most effective and inspiring leaders have three key qualities. They offer a vision of a better future, they are able to plan the vision and they provide the inspiration to move it forward.
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Looking for Leadership and Management Training?
If you're looking to develop your Leadership and Management Skills, you may find this Leadership and Management Training Course beneficial:
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