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Creative Imagination

Creative Imagination

Creative Imagination

Your imagination is your ability to create mental images, in your mind's eye.

There are three major modes of thinking:

  1. With pictures - creating vivid images in your imagination
  2. With words
  3. With feelings/emotions

There is a smaller number of gifted individuals who can also think:

  • Mathematically - using numbers and mathematical relationships
  • Musically - with pitch, tone, and rhythm

This blog is concerned with the use and abuse of the imagination.

Fundamentally there are two ways to use your imagination:

  1. Destructively
  2. Constructively

The destructive use of the imagination

The destructive use of the imagination is when you scare yourself by imagining all the bad things that could happen to you, in the future.

Or when you envisage imaginary threats, that do NOT exist in reality, but exist in your mind.

There are many people who ruin their peace of mind by imagining threats, conflicts, or social disapproval that have no reality, except in their own minds.

Stand guard at the door of your mind and keep out these unwanted images.

Reserve your imagination for only its constructive uses:

The constructive use of the imagination:

There are eight ways you can use your imagination to your advantage:

1. Imagine how wonderful your life would be if you succeeded in achieving your major goals.

2. Imagine the means by which you could bring your goals to fruition.

3. When you read, try to form vivid mental images of what you are reading; so that reading a book becomes akin to watching a movie in the mind.

4. When trying to memorise something, turn whatever information you are trying to remember into a vivid mental image. For example, if you wanted to remember to buy some eggs, then imagine that as you walk through Tesco's door, the staff pelt you with eggs.

5. To help you to sleep, use your imagination to take you to places you could not go in reality.

6. To savour the past, use your imagination to re-live the best of days.

7. When you prepare for an important event, or when you are required to perform at a high level, imagine yourself giving your absolute best performance and being successful.

8. Whenever you want to feel good, imagine how your future could be better than your past.

In future, practice avoiding all the bad uses of the imagination and instead practice all the constructive uses.

Notice the difference your creative imagination makes to your peace of mind.

FREE, live streaming Personal Development Webinars.

We are offering you the opportunity to learn a powerful set of new skills, which will help you get the best result from any situation that life throws at you.

There are eight modules of approximately an hour in length, each one covers a different topic:

  • How your thoughts affect the result
  • Reduce fear and replace it with confidence
  • How to positively influence others
  • A five-part formula for success
  • Prioritisation: How to get the most from every day
  • Feedback: the breakfast of champions
  • A healthy mind and healthy body
  • How to set and achieve your goals

Don't delay, register your interest today!

About the Author: Chris Farmer


Chris Farmer is the founder of the Corporate Coach Group and has many years’ experience in training leaders and managers, in both the public and private sectors, to achieve their organisational goals, especially during tough economic times. He is also well aware of the disciplines and problems associated with running a business.

Over the years, Chris has designed and delivered thousands of training programmes and has coached and motivated many management teams, groups and individuals. His training programmes are both structured and clear, designed to help delegates organise their thinking and, wherever necessary, to improve their techniques and skills.

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Further Reading in Personal Development

  • Learn From Your Mistakes
    Criticism is good for you. Don't get upset when you receive negative feedback, instead use the criticism to make adaptive changes. Learn from your failures and you will be on track to succeed.
    Read Article >
  • Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
    Imposter syndrome involves feeling that one's true abilities are inferior to their outward image, causing fears of being exposed as a fraud. This leads to self-doubt and anxiety, but it is possible to overcome these limiting beliefs.
    Read Article >
  • Striving After an Ideal
    You will never reach your own ideal, but trying to strive towards an ideal is a very valuable exercise in self-discipline and personal development.
    Read Article >
  • Seeking the Approval of Others
    The fear of rejection is, for many people, a deep seated fear. It is so deep seated and primitive a fear, that many are not consciously aware of its existence, though we are painfully aware of its effects.
    Read Article >
  • Get Better Every Day
    If you got a little better, every day, can you imagine how great you would be in the next five years?
    Read Article >

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