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Top Skills Needed by Entrepreneurs

Top Skills Needed by Entrepreneurs

Top Skills Needed by Entrepreneurs

Every day the world changes, and people need to adapt to survive and thrive. Old employment models are rapidly becoming obsolete. Consequently, there are a growing number of people who are wondering how they might find a better situation, than that which they currently occupy.

Recent surveys suggest that 45% of office workers, who have been working from home for months, are dissatisfied with their existence and want to make radical changes. They want to develop new skills which will make them job-ready for a post-Covid world.

The two top skill sets that people most want to improve are: IT skills, (which is not surprising, since we live in a technological economy) and skills associated with entrepreneurialism.

What is entrepreneurialism?

Entrepreneurialism is a big concept which encompasses:

  1. A special way of thinking, which looks at the world as being full of opportunities.
  2. A special way of behaving, which produces innovative products and services, in new and better ways.
  3. A special way of communicating, which attracts investors, customers and new colleagues to get involved.

Entrepreneurialism skills relating to the above list include:

  1. Self-confidence and belief.
  2. Positive mental attitude.
  3. Creativity.
  4. Communication skills.
  5. Problem solving.
  6. Time management.
  7. Sales and marketing.
  8. Negotiation.
  9. Talent spotting.

1. Self-confidence and belief.

Self-confidence and belief are preconditions for entrepreneurs, who must go out into the big world and carve out a niche into which they pour their talents. The entrepreneur can function only if they possess the self-belief that they have the necessary talent.

2. Positive mental attitude.

A positive attitude extends beyond the self, to encompass other people and the future. Entrepreneurs must believe that most people are good, and the future can be made a better.

3. Creativity.

Creativity is the mind that sees opportunity, where other people see only difficulty.

Entrepreneurs see that, "A need is a seed".

Every human-need is an opportunity for a much-needed product or service, that can form the base of a profitable business.

4. Communication skills.

Nobody can succeed on their own, so entrepreneurs need to effectively communicate their vision to anyone who may be interested.

5. Problem solving.

Nothing in business is easy because there are always many problems to overcome. So problem-solving skills are vital.

6. Time management.

Entrepreneurs are human and thus have only 17 hours of wakeful time available to them on any particular day. They need to make the most of every hour, so time management skills are key for entrepreneurs.

7. Sales and marketing.

All commercial entities are, at root, sales organisations. Without sales, we have no business. And without marketing we have no sales opportunities. So, all entrepreneurs must master sales and marketing.

8. Negotiation.

Business implies deal-making, which implies negotiation skills. If entrepreneurs agree a deal on the wrong terms, that can ruin their fledgling business. Therefore, entrepreneurs need to develop excellent negotiation skills.

9. Talent spotting.

Most entrepreneurs do not want to remain a "one-man band" for long, because that would be too small a vision. Entrepreneurs must ally themselves to like-minded individuals who have the same vision, but different skills.

Spotting other people with talent and bringing them onboard, is a major skill, because to succeed, entrepreneurs need to surround themselves with talented people.

"The way to get started, is to quit talking and begin doing" - Walt Disney

About the Author: Chris Farmer


Chris Farmer is the founder of the Corporate Coach Group and has many years’ experience in training leaders and managers, in both the public and private sectors, to achieve their organisational goals, especially during tough economic times. He is also well aware of the disciplines and problems associated with running a business.

Over the years, Chris has designed and delivered thousands of training programmes and has coached and motivated many management teams, groups and individuals. His training programmes are both structured and clear, designed to help delegates organise their thinking and, wherever necessary, to improve their techniques and skills.

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Further Reading in Personal Development

  • Three ways to improve your personal effectiveness
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  • How to Have Good Ideas
    Being creative helps you develop your imaginative ideas, turning them into reality. Develop your creativity and you will improve your problem-solving skills, both in business and in your personal life, as well as helping reduce your stress levels.
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  • How can I feel better about myself?
    If you are constantly putting yourself down, measuring yourself against impossible goals, and forgetting to take care of your physical body, then negative emotions will take over. Take these steps to start feeling better about yourself today.
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  • Is it true "Everything Happens for a Reason"?
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